Need help and support losing 15 - 20 lbs

I've been off and on MFP since 2008. I'm 5' 3" and my weight back then was 162 lbs. Lots of personal and professional issues kept me low and unable to make too much of a difference. Even after 6 months of regular exercise and a healthy diet, I was only able to lose 5 lbs back then. Since then, it has been tough mostly because I had complicated situations and couldn't feel motivated to get healthy. Being an emotional eater didn't help matters much. I feel terrible because my husband also gained a lot of weight because my situation stressed him out, too.

But two months ago, my life has taken a positive turn and I have the time, energy and motivation to get healthy. My new starting weight on June 24th was 155.3 lbs. But after 6 weeks, I've only lost 5 lbs. I go for brisk walks about 3x a week and eat between 1200 - 1400 calories, more on a couple of weekend days. I eat a lot of salads, veggies, fruit and try to make sure that I have sufficient low fat protein. My one vice has been little bite-sized cookies from Whole Foods but even those aren't too bad. I can't jog because of some GI issues and a gym is not a feasible option at the moment. I've begun doing some light weights at home.

Are there others out there in a similar situation, trying to lose just those few pesky pounds? I'd like to make friends with those who are. I also welcome advice and suggestions! Thanks!