Hello Everyone, I'm A Newby

DMillsRN Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, my name is Devery. I am 53 years old, have a disability causing me to take medication that has caused some serious weight gain. While I would like to blame the medications alone, to do so would be a lie. I have been depressed and feeling completely lost with my new disability and have started eating like a pig. Well, not just like A pig but more like a couple of them.

While watching biggest loser last night something just clicked in me and I have a new determination to get rid of these excess pounds and to at least do what I can.

I would love it if someone would adopt this old grandma and help me reach my goal. I really am lost with all this and primarily with diet. I see all the do's and don'ts but I don't know where to start.

I know that everyone here is on the same journey I am and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all great successes for a happy and healthy new life.


  • Hello and welcome
    I joined a few days ago and started my journey to better health.Some days are better than others but don't give up YOU can do it!
    Best wishes
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to MFP:happy: I have been working on this for a month now. The first few days, I ate normally and just logged everything I ate. Boy - what an eye opener that was. Then, I started looking at ways to cut back on calories. Introducing fresh fruits and vegetables and monitoring portion sizes really helped. I recommend you get a scale to weigh things. Now that I have the calories under control, I have been looking at salt, carb, fat and protein levels. I have found that by cooking rather than using boxed or frozen meals, my salt intake is better. The crock pot is my new best friend. Now, I research restaurant menu's on-line before we go out to find healthier alternatives. My husband has lost 10 pounds this month making the same changes. He was shocked to realize that his favorite salad at a restaurant had 1100 calories and the burger and fries he was eating had 1500 calories:cry: He eats out everyday for lunch. I now look up the new places he plans to go to and give him several options in the 600 to 800 calorie range.

    Just make a few small changes at a time that will be easy to stick with. Drink lots of water and start to exercise. Exercise can be as simple as taking a walk. Finding a buddy to exercise with you will make you more likely to do it. My husband gets up in the morning with me and we do DVD aerobics for 30 min before work. I've gotten my mom (she's 63) and her dog to walk with me in the evenings. We are now up to 3 miles on her days off and 2 miles on days she works.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  • sheaz85
    sheaz85 Posts: 56 Member
    I'll adopt you! Lol...seriously just started today too! What great motivation with all of these users..

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