So how much rest do I need w achilles tendonitis?



  • brendaschmitt1
    No advice on how much to rest, but I have a chronic tendonopathy in my right foot. It flares up at times to the point where I'm in tears. I do take pain medication daily for it, and about once a year I end up with a medrol dose pack. I do take NSAIDS as needed as well as the other pain meds. Without them, I couldn't work or work out. I'm on my feet constantly (nurse), so I can relate to that too.

    Did you see a podiatrist or your regular doctor? You might need to see a podiatrist if this continues.

    Good luck.

    Wow that sounds painful. I have an appointment Monday with the podiatrist. I saw a doc last week but i think it is time to see a specialist.
  • brendaschmitt1
    I just went to my doctors appointment to see a podiatrist and he was such a butt head.