I just couldn't do it. I couldn't eat at Wendy's.

I received a flyer with coupons in the mail today. It was for Wendy's. There, on the front, sat this nice, juicy looking double stack with bacon....these used to be my weakness. I wanted one sooooo bad. My husband, being the sweet, kind man he is, took me. I had my coupon ready, I even HAD THE CALORIES and we walked in. I am NOT trying to be cruel, please understand that now, but the first thing I saw were fat people at the counter, all but one elderly woman was fat. Not a little chubby: fat. I know fat, I was, still am but dropping to soon be: used to be fat. :smile: I couldn't do it. Even though I had the calories I just couldn't do it. I knew that I had built it up in my head, I knew it wasn't going to be as good as I anticipated and looking at all of these people who were fat and at myself now twenty-five pounds lighter.... it wasn't worth it. Instead we went to the Mexican restaurant, ordered off the vegetarian menu, left full and consumed less calories. A much more satisfying experience and no guilt pangs after the fact.
I am not against burgers, I enjoy them, in fact, my husband and I will make homemade burgers from lean meat and will even add some bacon to them this weekend. Our homemade burgers will be quality products, less calories, taste better and I will know who has prepared them :bigsmile: Anyway, for a former fast food junkie (that would be me :blushing: ) this was a big moment and I just had to share. Anyone else had moments like this?? What were turning points for you in your journey?


  • lamarnnem
    lamarnnem Posts: 189
    Awesome I am 3 days in and my body is craving saturated fats completely. I'm eating well but I really want a Twinkie lol. But it's good to hear your strength. Kudos.
  • jessica_rabbit8
    I am very proud of you, that is so awesome! You're homemade burgers are going to taste 1,000 times better than Wendy's ever did or ever will !!!:flowerforyou:
  • j_wilson2012
    Dont you find it Ironic that the owner of Wendy's, the daughter, is like 300 lbs, and is in the most recent commercials pitchin a baconator? Not good PR there, in my opinion. Wendy's is so bad that On my bike ride, I went to take a break and have a snack....something about 200 Cal or less. There was NOTHING on the menu under 200 calories. It forced me to get over to MCDonalds across the street for a berry smoothie.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    with ya.. I havent had anything like that since march. I look at it now and it doesn't even look good anymore. I think about all the calories and the fat clogging arteries and I am immediately grossed out. I remember after eating stuff like that I felt tired and bloated. YUCK.. I eat now and feel satisfied and energetic. I will never eat fast/ fried/ junk food again.
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    Dont you find it Ironic that the owner of Wendy's, the daughter, is like 300 lbs, and is in the most recent commercials pitchin a baconator? Not good PR there, in my opinion. Wendy's is so bad that On my bike ride, I went to take a break and have a snack....something about 200 Cal or less. There was NOTHING on the menu under 200 calories. It forced me to get over to MCDonalds across the street for a berry smoothie.
    The small chili is just barely over, at 210. Probably your best choice. They also have some decent salads (get the half size and forego the croutons.)
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Proud of you for making a healthier choice. When I see the Wendy's coupons and commercials, all I see is all the grease and added calories with the bacon and cheese. Haven't had a Wendy's burger in a long long time.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I can totally relate to this. I use to eat at McDonalds all the time (I mean all the time as in the girl at the drive through window once told me I was running late for work- and she was right!) But after several months without it someone brought in a bunch of mcbreakfast sandwiches to our office and just the small about made me sick. I don't know how I ever ate there so much.
  • j_wilson2012
    Dont you find it Ironic that the owner of Wendy's, the daughter, is like 300 lbs, and is in the most recent commercials pitchin a baconator? Not good PR there, in my opinion. Wendy's is so bad that On my bike ride, I went to take a break and have a snack....something about 200 Cal or less. There was NOTHING on the menu under 200 calories. It forced me to get over to MCDonalds across the street for a berry smoothie.
    The small chili is just barely over, at 210. Probably your best choice. They also have some decent salads (get the half size and forego the croutons.)

    Chili on a ride that still had 15 miles left in it doesn't spell comfort :wink:
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    Awesome I am 3 days in and my body is craving saturated fats completely. I'm eating well but I really want a Twinkie lol. But it's good to hear your strength. Kudos.

    Trust me, it was a long time coming. I am over 95 days in and still stumble but it is a marathon, not a sprint. A lifestyle, not a diet so we're all going to stumble on occasion. It's the getting back up that matters. You can do it!
  • jcbgrange
    jcbgrange Posts: 20 Member
    Nice job! I love burgers! I haven't had one in a while and don't miss them too much. I do love the berry almond chicken salad from Wendy's though.
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    I can totally relate to this. I use to eat at McDonalds all the time (I mean all the time as in the girl at the drive through window once told me I was running late for work- and she was right!) But after several months without it someone brought in a bunch of mcbreakfast sandwiches to our office and just the small about made me sick. I don't know how I ever ate there so much.

    I hear you. We run a lot on the weekend, often spending the day or weekend out of town, and do still grab meals out but what we grab out has changed so drastically, portion sizes being a HUGE factor (pun intended). I look at a lot of what I used to eat (The Quarter Pounder was my Mickey D's fave) and I wonder how I ever ate that. Now if I do find myself at Mickey D's which isn't often, it a double cheeseburgers, a kids fry and a water. It was a really weak moment for me to be considering Wendy's they are on my "bad" list and not my "good" list of places we can grab on the go. They ALMOST tricked me with their coupon!
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    Dont you find it Ironic that the owner of Wendy's, the daughter, is like 300 lbs, and is in the most recent commercials pitchin a baconator? Not good PR there, in my opinion. Wendy's is so bad that On my bike ride, I went to take a break and have a snack....something about 200 Cal or less. There was NOTHING on the menu under 200 calories. It forced me to get over to MCDonalds across the street for a berry smoothie.
    The small chili is just barely over, at 210. Probably your best choice. They also have some decent salads (get the half size and forego the croutons.)

    Chili on a ride that still had 15 miles left in it doesn't spell comfort :wink:

    Didn't know she was in their commercials. Your last comment almost made me snort water into my nose. LOL
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    The last time I had one of their salads I got food poisoning.
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    I worked at Wendy's for awhile. Man everything gets covered in grease and fat and oil. It was a terrible experience. The only things I eat now are grilled chicken wraps. Not at wendy's. because they put added bacon in. And only once in a blue moon. Other then that.. no.
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    CONGRATS !!!! Because that took a TON of willpower to walk out!!!!!!!

    I can see your points, totally.... but.... I recently tried the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad at Wendy's and LOVED EVERY SINGLE BITE OF IT. The calorie count wasn't that bad either. The "fat" people you saw ordering and eating, surely were NOT eating salads. Or, if they were, they were loading them down with not one, but two or more packets of FULL FAT dressing, croutons, bacon bits, the whole 9-yards. So they do have healthier options.

    I recently had a HUGE CRAVING for In-N-Out.
    My church had the In-N-Out truck one Sunday and that's what started it. Having to smell it. Mmm.
    Then, a few days later, I was at my mom's house and my sister came over with, what else? In-N-Out.
    That just made my craving stronger.

    All week last week I told myself I WAS going to have an In-N-Out burger damn it! LOL.
    Sunday, after church, we drove 20 miles to get In-N-Out. It smelled SO GOOD.
    Halfway through I said to my husband, "Hmm, this sure did smell great. It's good, but it definitely smelled better than it tastes. Totally not worth it. I'm over it now." I finished my burger and logged it and moved on. Craving, over and out.

    This week I was craving our favorite Mexican place.
    My husband, who is also doing MFP, said he'd only go if he knew the calories and had enough wiggle room to fit it in.
    I called them and they didn't have their calories. I whined a little when he said we couldn't go and then I thought about it and it's not worth it. We can go to a chain place and KNOW what we're consuming. If we went to our place we'd have to guess.

    Anyhow..... CONGRATS on a JOB WELL DONE!!!!! :smile:
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Yes, actually today I did. August 1st, my birthday and I was going to have a vanilla kiddie sized ice cream cone from MickeyD's. Well, I was at the grocery store buying fruit and low fat cottage cheese:laugh: and as I was leaving I glanced over at McDonalds and just kept driving. I just could'nt do it:ohwell: I was gonna celebrate my b-day with a kiddie ice cream cone and could'nt let myself.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    the only fast food one i will eat at is arby's and even then i get a salad. Sadly, after eating homemade food for so long, the Mcdonald;s, Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, Taco Bell etc make me ill. When my husband goes for them and brings leftovers home after work, I smell it and want to throw up, and Taco Bell is the worst one to where I have gagged from the smell as well.

    Congrats on not eating it!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    That's awesome willpower!!! :)

    I know what you mean about the coupon thing. My husband and I used to keep them on the side of the fridge for when we needed them, but now we no longer keep them.

    Tonight we made delicious homemade turkey burgers-- complete with cheddar, 1 slice fully-cooked Oscar Meyer bacon, and 50 calories of guacamole (we split a 100-calorie Wholly Guacamole). They were just under 500 calories and so delicious! :)
  • RanzITman
    When I started this a year ago I promised myself a reward when I hit my goal. A Triple Baconator with Extra Cheese! I lived for that day and many a time it helped me stay on the program. I really wanted that Baconator! 101 pounds lighter and 4 pounds from goal and that baconator is a distant memory. I have eaten at Wendy's only once in the last year and it was to try their new blueberry salad. It was good but almost too much food in one sitting.I have nothing but love for Wendy's and I may eat there again some day. I may even have that baconator, but my reward system has changed. My rewards come every day in my improved health and the way I feel. So I totally relate to what you are saying. Wendy's ( and many other things) are a pleasant memory from the past. I am creating new memories now. Different but just as pleasant in their own way, and longer lasting too considering the years I have hopefully added to my life. :-) From the bottom of my heart "Good for You!!"
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    Awwww that is amazing! Cheers to you and your dedication!