JOIN US! Sixers Heading into the Holidays - Starting 10/26



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Tiff, so good to see you again!!! How is school? Are you busier than all get out? We miss you!!!

    Cathy, you are right! Pull out that money jar! I would pull mine out but I'm flat broke! :laugh:

    Let's see if I can introduce myself to the new folks.... I'm Lauryn. 28. I have a 4 year old diva princess :bigsmile: . Going through a separation from my husband (married 8 years, together 12). Tough times but I'm tougher, thanks to God and lots of family and friends. I've been losing weight slooooowly for over 2 years but I've lost over 55lbs and it has STAYED OFF. What is more important that knowing that the weight you lose is really actually gone for good, you know? I was laid off in May, found a temp job at the end of July, started a new permanent job last week, all with the same company I've been with since 2006. ..... and I'd type more but my daughter is trying to ply me with chocolate cookies right now! I'm gonna go attend to her and only have 1 cookie :wink:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... just want to say ... I hope everyone is doing okay and I hope you all have an awesome weekend. I'm really looking forward to starting the new challenge and getting to know all these wonderful new people. Woo Hoo. It's been a long busy week and I'm big time pooped right now ... so ... I'm off to bed ...

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Cathy! Lauren! :-) Hey guys!

    I'm actually starting a personal challenge 10/24 -12/31 BUT of course I would like to do this Sixers challenge to, so COUNT ME IN! :love: :laugh: I had to take sometime to get my (medical)school work stuff handled... but i'm back! We work ~ 80 hours/week, so it leaves me tired and ready to sleep! But I made a promise that I would eat healthy and lose this weight THIS YEAR! And so... I WILL!

    I am currently doing Beck diet principles and eating "Clean" I weigh ~ 145 now (up a little because of TOM :noway: ) Goal is to lose 14 lbs before new years... I workout when ever I can and have been doing ~ 1 hr a day.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey all!

    Great idea Cathy! I love hearing about everyone's goals and how far they've come!!

    Tiff - Soooo good to see you!! I need my fellow students back!! I think Cathy and I might be the lone students right now!

    Alright, so about me. I'm a 24 year old grad student, getting my masters in health administration. I will graduate from my program in May and cannot wait to be done with school! Not sure where life will take me after that, but currently i am applying for administrative fellowships which are optional experiences that are kind of like residencies in med school. Hopefully by Thanksgiving/Christmas I will know where I will be after school. It is an intense and stressful process!!

    As for my fitness/weight loss experience, last year after coming to grad school my weight finally got to the point where I was fed up and so I joined MFP and haven't looked back. I lost about 11 lbs. over the fall and through the holidays (crazy i know! ) I think because i had time to work out over christmas break. :smile: Then I gained 5 of it back and lost that agin this summer and now i've gained 5 of it back again. YUCK!! So I am hoping to get that 5 back off and lose another 15 lbs. or so to put me in my ideal range. If it gets down to it and i've only lost 10 or so but I feel good and healthy, then that is where i will try to stay. Basically I just want to be healthy.

    And since everyone else has commented on relationships, I am currently single, haha. And as my veteran sixers know, I tend to keep them entertained with my ranting about guys. Well, let me rephrase, my ranting about one guy in particular. Too much detail to get into now, but time will tell with that one! :bigsmile:

    whew! that was a novel! can't wait to hear about all of you!!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Okay Okay its time to write about myself....

    I am 51 yrs young. I live in a very small town in the foothills of the serria's. I live with my boyfriend and my 11 year old puppydog (wolf and akita mix) I have a 27 year old daughter as well. I have a small landscaping business. It keeps me quite busy, along with the cows and pigs we keep on the 10 arces on which we live. I too am trying to lose the excess pounds that I have gained. I am half way there and hopefully will make my destination by Feb. In Feb. I will have been on my journey for a year.

    Looking forward to meeting all the new faces this next challlenge. See you next week!:flowerforyou:

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi Phoenix_Rising,
    I would like to join too, may I? Does it matter what time of day on Tuesday that you weigh in? That is usually the nite (5p.m) that I weigh at weight watchers(don't follow the program anymore but usually weigh in once a month but will change that to weekly to fit this challenge)? I joined MFP in 1/09 with wanting to lose 12 to 13 pounds, lost 7 and I want to lose that 5 or 6 by the year anniversary! This challenge will keep me more focused I think! I will try and get a couple other gals who are just starting a fitness program to do this too! My name is Verda I am 50 yrs old , current weight is 150 and would love to lose 5 pounds in this 6 week challenge! May we ALL be WINNERS at being LOSERS!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hey Verda, of course you can join! I was wrong on the date we starts (oops! :blushing: ), but we will start Tuesday. Doesn't matter what time of day you weigh in. I weigh in mornings now, although I use to weigh in after my 3pm workouts. I just try to weigh in the same time of day when I do weigh in .... gives a little more consistency in my mind. Can't wait to start the new challenge with all the new faces!!! :bigsmile:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    My name is Susan, I am 50 years old, with four grown daughters (two in college, two graduated and married) and two granddaughters. I love being a grandma. Oh, and even my dog is female. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 29 years.
    I can relate to those still in school, since I finished graduate school in 2001. It was a very stressful time. I also got my real estate license. And then I worked in commercial real estate banking. I'm not working outside the home right now, so it's time to focus on myself.
    My weight gain started ten years ago, and I tried every diet out there. In the spring, my gyn requested a routine blood screen for my 50th birthday present. Best gift I received, for it showed a slow thyroid. I found a great doc, and now I feel ten years younger. I'm anxious to lose this weight. It's not melting off, but diet and exercise actually work now. Thanks for this challenge group! See you on Tuesday.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm joining again. I miss everyone and the support. I also, have started a new fitness regimen about 3 weeks ago, now just need to do the diet part.

    My name is Shanell, and I am chipper(Cathy's) daughter. I'm 30 almost 31 with 2 girls. I am married and we will be married 10 yrs in Feb. I also have 2 pits, which are also female, so hubby is the only male in our house. Poor guy. I have been always known as the chuncky girl and my girls always tell me they want me to be skinny like them, so I am going to try this again. Well, that's all I can think of for now. Hope to you all on Tues.
  • marci_r2010
    marci_r2010 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in. Thanks for the invite on my thread...

    I'm Marci, a 34 year old woman from Lehigh Valley, PA. My DH and I have been together for 19 years, married for 14. We have two boys, ages 9 and 5, who are both so much fun. I wish I could freeze them both at this age! We have two cats and one dog. Our youngest cat (age 13) just received a diabetes diagnosis, so we are trying to learn how to manage that (poor little guy). I am a full time professional in a very visible and busy organization in our community and am working hard on not letting my job take over my life, which is very difficult, but I'm trying :)

    I need to lose 145 lbs total to get to a healthy weight again. I am very honest about where I am, not hiding my weight from anyone because I really do believe that we are only as sick as the secrets we keep. My plan is to lose 100 lbs this year. In the 15 weeks I've been at it, I've lost 30 lbs, 6 inches around my waist, about 5 around my hips, and I feel so, so much better. I hired a personal trainer for myself and work with him about 2 days a week and workout another 1-3x myself, depending on my week.

    I have a great sense of humor and love people and don't normally write this much in an introduction! :)

    Looking forward to it- giddy'up!

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I'm in. Thanks for the invite on my thread...

    I'm Marci, a 34 year old woman from Lehigh Valley, PA. My DH and I have been together for 19 years, married for 14. We have two boys, ages 9 and 5, who are both so much fun. I wish I could freeze them both at this age! We have two cats and one dog. Our youngest cat (age 13) just received a diabetes diagnosis, so we are trying to learn how to manage that (poor little guy). I am a full time professional in a very visible and busy organization in our community and am working hard on not letting my job take over my life, which is very difficult, but I'm trying :)

    I need to lose 145 lbs total to get to a healthy weight again. I am very honest about where I am, not hiding my weight from anyone because I really do believe that we are only as sick as the secrets we keep. My plan is to lose 100 lbs this year. In the 15 weeks I've been at it, I've lost 30 lbs, 6 inches around my waist, about 5 around my hips, and I feel so, so much better. I hired a personal trainer for myself and work with him about 2 days a week and workout another 1-3x myself, depending on my week.

    I have a great sense of humor and love people and don't normally write this much in an introduction! :)

    Looking forward to it- giddy'up!


    I'm sooo glad you could join us!! I'm excited ,are you?? Loved your intro, "sick as the secrets you keep", thanks ,that will keep me MORE motivated!See ya on Tuesday!!! Best wishes!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey There SIXERS! I'm excited to see the NEW and the OLD. A little about myself.... I'm Tammara (short Tamm) I try to stay as positive as I can because removing weight is all about the JOURNEY!

    I'm 28 (O.M.G. I almost forgot), I finished dental school Aug 2008 and I have been seriously focusing on my fitness and healthy lifestyle since then. I removed 49 lbs and now I'm doing my best to reach my ultimate goal of 140 (within my healthy BMI). I love to chat and WE (the sixers) will listen to any of your life issues... so never hesitate. My little sis is TIFF (gonabfit), shes super busy and I'm excited to see her back. YAY!! I'm single and ready to start my life with a positive image! I can't wait to see how my future ...near and far turns out!

    Love ya ladies,


    WE WILL REACH OUR GOALS:flowerforyou: one day at a time!

    P.S. I'm a supppppeeerrr night owl BUT I don't have to go back to work until Friday soooooo Its ok for this week!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All!!!

    Wow, all these new members, this is fantastic!!

    So a little bit about myself. My name is Tammy but you can call me T or datenshi. I am a 35 year young married mother of 2 (11 yr old girl and 5 yr old boy). I was in good shape all my life until I had the kids and it has been a struggle ever since (I won't hold that against them since they are my pride and I was 253.4 when I joined MFP in June 09 and I have lost about 45 lbs since then. I have a total of about 113 to lose and I am especially excited about this next challenge since we will have so many newbies and I hope to make it into the 100's.

    I work at a desk all day but I am doing the Couch to 5K running program and tonight I do Week 6, Day 2.

    I look forward to getting to know you all!

  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    I'm so excited to start this challenge tomorrow!

    I've been a member of MFP since May of 2008 and for some reason my motivation was nowhere to be found. I actually gained some weight in 2009 and on the 15th of October my hubby (who loves me no matter what size I am) asked me to go walking with him....said he was worried that he wouldn't have a wife in 20 yrs if we didn't make some changes. I am again...motivated this time. I find it strange that I found motivation right at the holidays but I'm excited that I won't be on the other side of the holidays having gained even more weight!!!!

    I'm married, we have no children, and I'm just trying to find my way back to health.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm so excited to start this challenge tomorrow!

    I've been a member of MFP since May of 2008 and for some reason my motivation was nowhere to be found. I actually gained some weight in 2009 and on the 15th of October my hubby (who loves me no matter what size I am) asked me to go walking with him....said he was worried that he wouldn't have a wife in 20 yrs if we didn't make some changes. I am again...motivated this time. I find it strange that I found motivation right at the holidays but I'm excited that I won't be on the other side of the holidays having gained even more weight!!!!

    I'm married, we have no children, and I'm just trying to find my way back to health.

    That brought tears to my eyes. I love that your husband loves you that much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smooched:
  • Colie
    Colie Posts: 12
    Hi everyone I'd love to join, I've been wanted to start a challenge and I guess there is no better time then now. And i think 6 weeks is something I can handle right now.

    So a little about me, my name is Nicole but some know me as Colie I'll answer to either name :wink: I'm a SAHM with two great kiddos DD-9, DS-5. I won't be a SAHM much longer though since I'm currently on the hunt for a job. My DH and I have been together for almost 11 years, I'm tring to get him on to MFP but he's happy with himself right now so I won't push. I've been on MFP since Aug 09 and I'm down 22lbs, I still have more to lose to get to 150, but we all have to start somewhere :) I'm really glad I found this challenge with the Holidays coming up I'm gonna need all the extra help I can get.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi everyone I'd love to join, I've been wanted to start a challenge and I guess there is no better time then now. And i think 6 weeks is something I can handle right now.

    So a little about me, my name is Nicole but some know me as Colie I'll answer to either name :wink: I'm a SAHM with two great kiddos DD-9, DS-5. I won't be a SAHM much longer though since I'm currently on the hunt for a job. My DH and I have been together for almost 11 years, I'm tring to get him on to MFP but he's happy with himself right now so I won't push. I've been on MFP since Aug 09 and I'm down 22lbs, I still have more to lose to get to 150, but we all have to start somewhere :) I'm really glad I found this challenge with the Holidays coming up I'm gonna need all the extra help I can get.

    Welcome, Colie. You've made great progress on your weight loss, congratulations! Together we can all blitz the holidays. Our exercise will also help us manage that busy, 'positive stress', time of year. It's nice to meet you. :smile:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hello All!!!

    Wow, all these new members, this is fantastic!!

    So a little bit about myself. My name is Tammy but you can call me T or datenshi. I am a 35 year young married mother of 2 (11 yr old girl and 5 yr old boy). I was in good shape all my life until I had the kids and it has been a struggle ever since (I won't hold that against them since they are my pride and I was 253.4 when I joined MFP in June 09 and I have lost about 45 lbs since then. I have a total of about 113 to lose and I am especially excited about this next challenge since we will have so many newbies and I hope to make it into the 100's.

    I work at a desk all day but I am doing the Couch to 5K running program and tonight I do Week 6, Day 2.

    I look forward to getting to know you all!


    Is that 8 pounds? We can do that! I'm going to aim for the same, maybe 10, expecting no loss over Thanksgiving. See you tomorrow.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All!!!

    Wow, all these new members, this is fantastic!!

    So a little bit about myself. My name is Tammy but you can call me T or datenshi. I am a 35 year young married mother of 2 (11 yr old girl and 5 yr old boy). I was in good shape all my life until I had the kids and it has been a struggle ever since (I won't hold that against them since they are my pride and I was 253.4 when I joined MFP in June 09 and I have lost about 45 lbs since then. I have a total of about 113 to lose and I am especially excited about this next challenge since we will have so many newbies and I hope to make it into the 100's.

    I work at a desk all day but I am doing the Couch to 5K running program and tonight I do Week 6, Day 2.

    I look forward to getting to know you all!


    Is that 8 pounds? We can do that! I'm going to aim for the same, maybe 10, expecting no loss over Thanksgiving. See you tomorrow.

    I am aiming for 10 lbs as well for the challenge. I just can't wait to make it into the 100's! :bigsmile:

    Take care and I look forward to seeing you on the challenge!!

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hello! I figured I'd also introduce myself since we're starting tomorrow. My name is Alison and I'm 27. I finished law school in May and then took (and passed!) the bar exam in August. I have been overweight all of my life, and during my last two years of college and the two years I took off between college and law school, I lost 80 pounds. I was so happy, healthy, and feeling great. My first year of law school was tough, but I was doing Weight Watchers, and was able to maintain my weight. The summer after my first year of law school, I decided I need a break from "dieting" and now a little over two years later, I've gained back most of the weight I had lost. It was definitely a big disappointment, but now I've learned that there are no breaks. I have to be in control of my eating, and get as much exercise as I can, no matter how busy I am with the rest of life.

    So, this time I'm tracking everything that goes in my mouth, but I eat chocolate when I want it, and I take one meal off per week as my free meal. If I can't work out, I just make sure my food is within my healthy calorie range. This was such a good time in my life to get back on track since I'm still looking for a job, which leaves me with a lot of free time to take care of myself. I'm really excited to be a part of this group. I've lost 12 lbs in almost 5 weeks, and this seems like a great place to get a lot of extra support during the holidays.