Small NSV Boost

I started MFP in January 2012 at 238 pounds (my highest weight in 10 years)... and have gone through periods of logging and not-logging, thus gaining and losing the same first 4 pounds. Today, I weighed in at 234 (again) and am thrilled with the 1.2 pound loss from the last couple weeks since re-committing after my latest PMS binge.

Feeling quite happy with myself this morning, put on a summer dress I like... and got 2 unsolicited compliments from co-workers!

Looks like my found-again confidence is showing! :wink:

Looking forward to losing the first 5 and beyond!!


  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Well, cool! Stick with it!! I was where you are at the start of my journey (235 in January 2011).