Have you fallen off the wagon?

So for the last 2 weeks, I have been tired... No exercise and I have been eating whatever I want... I feel so horrible... I just dont know what else to do to get motivated.... Anyone else have this same problem or can any one help and give good advice....


  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I fell off the wagon for about... 6 months? And I am almost back to where I started. I was down 20 pounds and had gained so much muscle, and for some reason I just stopped. And now I'm back to the beginning. I really wish I hadn't stopped because I'd probably be at my goal weight by now. Trust me, it's not worth giving up.
  • MelBristol
    It's never too late to start again! If you like reading try "the slight edge" from Jeff Olson. I struggle with motivation too. I'm hoping that being on here all the time and going through the success stories will keep me on track :) Good luck!
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    I usually see people have the hardest time maintaining if they're trying to lose too fast, or if they keep too tight a rein on their calories. I've got MFP set for calories to lose a pound and a half a week, and I try to be about the right average calories for each week but I'm up and down on the calories for individual days. My biggest drops seem to be when I've gone *over* on my calories for a day or two. I think letting myself "fall off the wagon" for a day or two helps keep me from falling off for longer!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    We all do so it's nothing to feel guilty about. Use each "fall" as a learning experience, the how's and why's and most importantly what you did to get yourself back on the wagon.
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    I've been using the excuse "we moved, so I haven't had time to watch what I eat or exercise" Now that i see it in print.. it doesn't make sense..does it? Maybe the exercising does, but not eating right. I say, start back at it today. Once you do you will have more energy and be motivated. Why wait a week until your Mother in law comes? Why not start back today and start feeling better...today. I have been feeling really crappy lately, last night I got back on the treadmill and ran for an hour..a full hour! I was exhausted and drenched in sweat but I felt great. I knew itw as going to be my start of getting back on track. You can do it lady! Just keep thinking of the rewards of losing the weight and feeling better about yourself!
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).

    Agreed. Make your next meal the healthiest you've had in weeks. Do some crunches and pushups or go for a short walk if you got a little time to yourself this afternoon. Start today. :)
  • mainelymama
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).

    Seriously. There will ALWAYS be 'something coming up'. If a diabetic was having a birthday party, its not ok for them to eat half a cake and a gallon of ice cream because it's a special occasion. This is your health. It doesn't give you a free pass for special occasions.

    I gained 60 lbs from waiting for the right time.
  • Debutante55
    Debutante55 Posts: 72 Member
    Try and see if you can identify the factors that caused you to 'fall off the wagon' in the first place. For me, it's always when we have guests over for dinner.... First there are the appetizers (which I wouldn't normally have) and then lots of rich food and wine. After a couple of glasses I lose my resistance and end up heading straight for the pie. :noway: If you can, modify your life to make it easier to incorporate "good" habits, at least until you get back on track.

    I agree with what others have said -- get back on that wagon TODAY, don't wait! Just make one small change, but do it NOW.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).

    ^^This. Why wait? Start today! You'll feel better! When she's there, aim for better choices, and keep at it :-)
  • Cathy_Daydreams
    Yeah, I can relate to that.
    Happened to me a while ago ... I've had a few problems in my life which lead to a little bit of binge eating. I don't think it's a bad thing to fall off the wagon sometimes, because you learn where your weakness is and learn from your mistake. I can relate to the tiredness too.
    Have you been getting enough sleep?
    If you have then it might be worth going to the doctors because that was happening to me and I found out I was borderline anaemic, which was making me very tried for no apparent reason.
    Just a thought
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    I fell off the wagon for about... 6 months? And I am almost back to where I started. I was down 20 pounds and had gained so much muscle, and for some reason I just stopped. And now I'm back to the beginning. I really wish I hadn't stopped because I'd probably be at my goal weight by now. Trust me, it's not worth giving up.

    Me too, except my goal weight is a while away. I was gone about 6 months, feeling really good. Annoyed that I took too much time off and gained all my weight I had lost (about 20lbs). Back again and have lost 9 lbs!! Get back to feeling good, don't go away too long...its not worth it.
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).

    I like that idea...
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been using the excuse "we moved, so I haven't had time to watch what I eat or exercise" Now that i see it in print.. it doesn't make sense..does it? Maybe the exercising does, but not eating right. I say, start back at it today. Once you do you will have more energy and be motivated. Why wait a week until your Mother in law comes? Why not start back today and start feeling better...today. I have been feeling really crappy lately, last night I got back on the treadmill and ran for an hour..a full hour! I was exhausted and drenched in sweat but I felt great. I knew itw as going to be my start of getting back on track. You can do it lady! Just keep thinking of the rewards of losing the weight and feeling better about yourself!

    wow thats awesome... thats exactly what I am gonna do...
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).

  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yeah... my mother n law is coming to visit next week and I think as soon as she leaves I am gonna get back on track.... so all the advice you guys give is very helpful and I thank you for that :)

    NOPE. Start today :-).

    ^^^^ THIS - dont wait - get going right now - one step at a time - but there is always going to be something else in the way!!
    By all means have a few indulgences while your mom is visiting - but that should not stop you from immediately getting your head back in the game....

    For me it really helps that I have / had a strong "WHY" - and I could always remind myself of that....
    I also have some pictures of where I started - trust me not a pretty picture - but just looking at that girl that started in September 2010 is enough to get me back on track....

    Do this one step at a time - first step - go for a 30 minute walk, or go to the gym and do what you love doing - it is just 30 or 60 minutes - and then choose ONE good meal - lots of vegetables and salads (you dont even have to log it - just decide to eat one healthy meal), and then do it again the next meal, the next day - BUT DONT WAIT - Do it NOW!!

    Good luck - if you want it bad enough you can do it - and then one day you get to a day where you dont have to think about it as much :-)
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    Great topic!
    I struggle in weeks when stress and activity at work is higher than normal.
    Everytime I get back to the gym after a week or more off, I wonder why I didn't come back sooner.
    I agree with the others - Small changes, babysteps, starting today and building up.
    and now I'm inspired to go and do my meal plan for next week, so I don't get lost in the hustle and bustle of another busy week.
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I am definatly a stress eater :(
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I am definatly a stress eater :(

    Me too :(