
Hi all!

I've been dieting on and off for 3 years now. I lose the weight quite easily when I put my mind to it but gain it back even easier.

My friends and family are supportive in that they'd love to see me do well, but they don't actually give me support. Does that make sense?

I don't really have anyone to talk to about the good days or bad days. I'd love to have someone to turn to so I could say 'I just said no thanks to chocolate cake!!!' and and also 'Uh, oh, I just ate some chocolate cake!'.

I've been using myfitnesspal for 3 years so I figured it's about time I introduce myself, dive in to the forums and start getting the support I need and giving the support to others!

I've set my diary to open so if anyone wants to add me work away!



  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Hey it's nice to meet ya! I just started using forums tonight and adding friends so let me know when its choacate cake time:) I have to admit I do excercise better than diet and have no gotten the logging my food thing down yet. I'm looking to lose 30lbs in the next couple of months
  • Hi..new myself and need the motivation as well; you can add me, my diary is open as well.....good luck
  • hello! this site is so awesome... its motivating me already :)
  • aoifenir
    aoifenir Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't decided how much I want to lose yet. My first goal is to lose 25lbs and I'll decide from there.

    I'm a bridesmaid in 10 months so that's great motivation. I want to be about 3 months in to maintenance at that point so I'm aiming to lose the weight in about 6 months. That's roughly 24 weeks so 1lb a week should be perfect!
  • Hello people:smile:
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Hello loTR fan I just watched the extended fellowship o the rings the other day!! Great to meet ya!
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Alice, it sounds like you have a very attainable plan !! Best of luck
  • I'm finding MFP really great in terms of motivation and support! Friends and family are great, and they do try but, it's so much nicer getting to talk about the weight loss struggle with people who are going through it with you.
  • HI Everyone Im dieting yet again to get rid of at least 30 lbs to start. This forum thing is new to me but I figured I would try it out if I had crazy ideas or something lol. I like this site so I can track my food so when Im being naughty it shows me lol. So far Im doing okay but what I wouldn't kill for a coke lol. Good luck to everyone one here.