Bad knees and hip from doing 30DS?



  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Yup. I run almost daily without knee problems. Insanity didn't bother my knees. One week of Ripped in 30 and boom, knee pain. I suspect it's the jumping plus lunges, since jumping/running and squats never bothered me.

    Don't do a workout that causes joint pain, but don't use this as a reason to give up altogether. Redmond yourself why you wanted to do the 30 Day Shred, and try something else like swimming, cycling, power yoga, strength training, etc.
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member

    I already have problems with both knees and one hip. I'm planning on starting 30DS on Monday, but I'll be starting slow
  • sweetteacher123
    Swap to another exercise or program and maybe only do the Shred once or twice a week. There are tons of great ways to exercise that won't cause you pain; just find the one that works for you!
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    It's because it's high impact. It's not so hard on most smaller people, but for a heavier person, it puts a LOT of weight on the joints, so it wears them out faster and hurts a lot. I'm dealing with that myself, and had those same issues with 30DS. I stopped doing it because the high impact was just causing pain. I'm just doing more walking, some aerobic dance and I will start some weights in about a month.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Check out YouTube or Hulu and try a different program. I've had major knee trouble in the past and started having it with 30DS but since correcting my form, I have no joint pain. Look for something low impact (which can still be high intensity). Also, make sure you stretch more than the ones in the video. She includes a pathetic amount of stretching and a good stretch can help you avoid injury
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I noticed knee pain after day 2 of starting 30DS.

    The series of jumps in the beginning KILLS my knee... I have to bounce (not jump), and alternate my weight from one leg to the next during the jump rope part.. and for the jumping jacks, I don't move my feet as far from the center....

    but we haven't been able to do it each day... have to take breaks every few days to keep it from getting bad....

    We're pretty much ready to stop.