How to motivate my boyfriend to work out with me



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  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I have sort of the same problem.. We have six kids together... so when I get home.. I have to kick of the shoes.. and get to work making supper while all the kids including the hubby clean up around the house.. a month ago I was trying to squeeze in a hour work out.. but I missed being home with the family.. since family is super important to me.. I adjusted the time I work out. I have a 35 mile commute in the morning so I was usually leaving the house around 6am.. I decided to get up earlier.. yes I roll out of bed around 3:45-4am.. and head to the gym for an hour.. this way.. When I get home.. I spend it with the kids and my husband.. (since he's not ready to start lifting weights yet) Just an idea!

    This is why I am afraid of marriage. I feel the same although I am not married and dont have children. As soon as I come home from work, I cant stop doing things like preparing food, tidying around etc. I used to do it for myself but now the mess has been doubled so I have to pay extra effort. I sometimes dont sit down until it's time to go to bed and I am almost dead. I cant imagine what it'll be like when i have kids. Oh scary! Waking up at 4 am?? This is impossible. It means that I have to go to bed at 8 pm which will not let me spend time with him either. I do really envy women like your who can find a balance. It sounds uber eutopic to me for now. I need to be more laid down, I guess. I just cant do it. I am such a control freak. :-S
    1. you both work= u both clean(that's how it works in my house, my SO cooks too and when I was working and he wasn't he did 90% of the housework and cooking)

    2. it's important to have time to yourself too, as long as it's not creating tension between y'all, he's probably use to having his "me" time too. And I've learned that my baby is much more content sitting on the couch relaxing while I go work out. :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    As the girlfriend I am supposed to cook and feed him if you know what I mean:)
    Here's your problem. Make him cook dinner while you work out.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    As the girlfriend I am supposed to cook and feed him if you know what I mean:)
    Here's your problem. Make him cook dinner while you work out.

    No, this is 2012, I dont know what you mean. Does he 'expect' you to cook, or are you putting it all on yourself?

    There's no reason why the boyfriend cant put time in to make a meal to be supportive for you to let you hit the gym.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Of course as a man he must be expecting me to do cooking. He is not telling me so though. In fact he helps me in the kitchen if I ask him. It's just me who takes all responsibility about the house. It's not about cooking or doing housework. I am just getting used to living with someone else, I thought it would be nice to make time for my workouts and him at the same time.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I've been with MrWW for 19 years, sometimes I cook, sometimes he cooks. If either of us wants or needs to do something else we do it - yes, we'd more than likely say to the other one that we were busy doing something else, but there's really no need for an explanation.

    If he's hungry let him cook himself something, and hopefully he'll offer to make enough for you too! You both work full time so don't feel you have to do everything in the home too :flowerforyou:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Of course as a man he must be expecting me to do cooking. He is not telling me so though.

    Sorry, thats a very bad assumption.

    You can work out any time you want. If this boyfriend is truly supportive, he would be lifting some of the responsibilities from you and take them on so you could go work out. Whether its 4am you go or 4pm you go - but to willingly think this? ... Thats not good... thats not mentally healthy to think "of course as a man he must be expecting" you to do the cooking. I wonder how he would feel if he knew that.

    You will burn yourself out and get sick, injured, or worse if you think youre the person who handles everything.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    You could get up earlier and go to the gym in the morning.
    You could exercise in the same room he is watching TV in.
    Ask him to cook on the days you want to work out.
    Tell him about the guys at the gym who are in great shape.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Of course as a man he must be expecting me to do cooking.

    Not necessarily, I'm sure he can cook for himself just fine.

    My SO (even when I wasn't working) has always cooked for himself. We've lived together just over 2 years. We have different meals, and eat at different times, mainly because of his work schedule. He is happy cooking for himself and I think he prefers it that way as he gets to eat what he really likes, in the portions that he likes and when he likes. He also does all the washing up - I am very lucky!

    To be honest, if you are both working, you should be sharing the household stuff more equally, instead of leaving it for yourself to do. Get your workout done, come home and do some housework if it needs doing. Obviously not all of it, but you know, pick up after yourself and help him with the chores - you're in this together. If he can't wait until then to eat he can do it himself, if he really doesn't want to cook then you can cook for two, but in your own time, and the food that you like, makes sense really.

    Then spend the rest of the evening together doing things like watch TV together and things that he likes doing. Just some quality time together. Also, if he's helping with the housework, it will save time to spend together and not disregard each other.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Of course as a man he must be expecting me to do cooking. He is not telling me so though. In fact he helps me in the kitchen if I ask him. It's just me who takes all responsibility about the house. It's not about cooking or doing housework. I am just getting used to living with someone else, I thought it would be nice to make time for my workouts and him at the same time.
    Where are you from? Join us in the modern world, sweetheart.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Where are you from is a very good question.

    It would help us to help you if we actually knew your motivation behind your ideologies that you must cook for, clean for and motivate your boyfriend.
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    Oh yes probabily I should ask him to join me although I know the answer. If he doesnt like to work out, I must let it go. I'll continue my life like I have done before. It doesnt mean I should change my life just because he lives with me now, does it? I'll tell myself I must not do something I dont like. Spending the evening in front of the TV is sooo boring to me. I just need to be sure if he doesnt think I disregard him. Oh maybe it's me who is trying to be a mom to him. I feel a bit pressure since we are living together. I love him but I am afraid when I think of myself married with kids. I am afraid I'll have no life and I'll have to live their lives. Do I sound paranoiac?

    Nope, sounds like you're asking the right questions.