What's the difference?

Hi all! I'm completing week one of taking MFP seriously, and I'm starting to see a difference. On the scale yes, and also my face, collarbone, waist even hands and feet! What's your favourite thing about your changing figure? Or if you're just getting started, what changes are you looking forward to the most :) Happy Thursday xxx


  • louliz82
    louliz82 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm also just getting started and am on day two of my second week. Can already see the difference in my tummy- think the 30DS is also helping with this!

    I'm looking forward to getting back in a UK size 8-10 and my thighs not rubbing together! Lol! Good luck! xxx
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    I was 16 lbs (1stone 2) overweight for years...I was fit though as I have always worked out! For me the biggest surprise was uncovering the muscle that was under the blob!! I never dreamed that at 48 I would have the most fit, toned body of my life!! Get the fat off and reveal what is under there!!!!!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Hi ....I think its hard for me to notice the changes when i am looking for them every day...but, i think its also the fact that i have a collarbone and not such a fat face. Of course on the other hand i am distressed by the bit of sagging neck i have gained now . I noticed my hands and feet also. Maybe because they have the least amount of fat?

    Im looking forward to having a normal rear end thu and less of a belly. Seem to be the last to go. Im not saying flat belly since i dont know if i have it in me to do that much work for it lol ( well see thu).

    Ive lost 29 pounds so far and i have 29 more to go so i am excited to see what 140 actually looks like.

    Happy Thursday to you too!
  • BethGaw
    BethGaw Posts: 54 Member
    It's going to be slow going at first I feel. I'm doing this with my daughter. I've done this with spreadsheets in the past but this is so much more convenient! In 2008 I was at 54 kg and I felt great, then a combination of physical and emotional aspects combined and in the past three years I've gone up to 75kg. I feel awful, my joints ache and a host of other problems. Good luck to all of us. I'm not using supplements or gimmicks and I never have so we'll see how it goes.
  • BethGaw
    BethGaw Posts: 54 Member
    @Ladyark. I wish you so much luck. That sagging neck thing is horrible isn't it? My doctor swears that some of that will go with weight loss. However, I'm 52 and I do like the sun so I think that some of that sagging neck is just going to stay sagging neck. It may get better though as my face tightens up. My doctor also explained to me that as I lose weight my jowls will become less noticeable. I have a small facial bone structure and she explained that I don't have the bone structure to support the extra fat in my face and so it just sags. All things will improve. At the moment I'm just trying to stay positive because I actually just got back from our holiday and I gained two pounds. :/ So, chin up.
  • tas3980
    tas3980 Posts: 93 Member
    I've been on the journey with MFP for two months now... the great things I have noticed is the slimming down of the face, waist and tummy... I need to buy some new clothes soon as they are getting baggy (d'oh!) but I would have to say the nicest thing is when other people notice it... two people I work with have come back from extended leave and they were blown away by the difference in the two months (and given that they are men, who I always thought never noticed that stuff, it was a great boost to the ego!).

    I'm looking forward to shopping in the same section as my friends, doing a clothes swap with them and loving myself again! :)
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    @Bethgaw...thank you...it is bothersome but its really the least of my worries in the big scheme of things right.

    I also wanted to say that the changes i am looking forward to are not just the way i will look. I am feeling better and have easier movement. I joined zumba 3 weeks ago and i love it but, i am just not as movable as some of them and i know the more weight i lose the easier the moves will be.

    It may sound silly but when i in the class and i am dripping with sweat and moving my body with those moves i feel really sexy and i come home with such confidence! It really is a booster.
  • BethGaw
    BethGaw Posts: 54 Member
    Sure the neck is not such a big worry. I merely note it because it's the thing we can't do much about. :)

    Good on you for doing Zumba. I am not coordinated enough for it. I stick to treadmill, rower and stairs. As you say it will be nice to have less pressure on the joints and bones and to feel more flexible.

    Anything that makes you feel confident and sexy is fantastic. :)