GSP Rush Fit

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone on here was doing the rush fit dvd or if there was a group on here to do with it. Would be nice to talk to some people who are trying it out to see how they are getting on etc.


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I've got another 2 months of P90X2, then I'm going to do the advanced schedule of Rushfit. Probably starting early October. I have done a few of the disks in amongst X2, just to have a "taster", as it were.

    The Fight Conditioning disk is great. And the Core disk is also good workout. There's a move in there that I'm looking forward to nailing cleanly - guess I'll have a to wait a few months! I haven't done any of the other disks yet, I'm trying to restrain myself so I hit the programme fresh and it'll be new and challenging for me.

    Anyway, based on the few times I've done it and the professional way the programme is put together, I reckon it's going to be a good one!

    When are you thinking of starting?
  • I have already started but only started on the beginner schedule because even though I trained in the gym for 3 years, I have had a bit of time out and wanted to make sure I could walk before running ;). I am on day 47 out of 56 and I love it. The dvd's can get a bit annoying with the phrases they use etc as I have heard them so many times but I love the timer and the exercises. I am sure you will love it when you get stuck in. I don't use a gym anymore so it fits into a nice home workout for me. Our goals seem the same. I too am in ok shape and pretty fit as I play a lot of football (soccer) but have never had my abs show and really want that lol
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Ha ha! I love the interplay between Eric and George. Especially when Eric clearly wants to move along quickly and George starts philosophising.... after day 47 though, I may also be sick of it!

    I've gone through P90X a couple of times and never really got sick of Tony Horton (and his jokes!) so I reckon I could cope with the Eric and George Show for 2 months.

    I've never really been a gym bunny personally, but I have kept up exercise pretty regularly. However, as I've started to approach 40 I've noticed that I can't just eat anything I want and work out and look the way I want! I guess my metabolism started to change as I aged and I never really noticed. Little by little I must have layered on some "butter" over those abs, then one day I saw a pic of myself and realised little by little had added up!

    It's only taken me a couple of months of using MFP to shred most of it off, just needed a tool to stop me eating like I'm still in my 20's I guess! I was surprised how much I was previously eating when I started being strict on here and had a good baseline for comparison.

    So have you got everything you wanted out of Rushfit? I see many glowing reviews on Amazon but I'd be interested in hearing the results of an actual real human being.....
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I have Rushfit, and have gone through it in full once (advanced), overall its okay. And has some things/moves I do really like. But for me, its not a replacement of my preferred workout options.

    I only use a few RF DVDs now and then, to mix up with my other plans. Ether switching to it, when I need a workout change / break, or using some of the DVD as alternatives, or supplement when I feel I am getting burned out a bit, or not getting the results I am looking for.

    I really like the Full Body Strength and Conditioning DVD (Rushfit) so grab that when I want an extra workout, in a week. I like Turkish Getups, and the challenge of those with a bit heavier weight, so that's part of my personal goals. (saw a girl doing those with 100 lb Kettle Bell once , craziness there)

    I primarily do P90X and P902 (advanced versions, heavy weights, low reps) so thats really what I mainly stick with. I get the best overall results from those, and don't get to burned out from Tony. :) I have a low tolerance for trainers, and get annoyed, bored, easily.

    With Rushfit, I personally found, only a couple of the DVDs seemed "effective" enough for my needs, challenging me in the way I prefer, need. But I do like those 2-3. So I do keep them, and use them happily, mixed in with my other stuff, to help me work in some different ways, new areas, etc.

    But Sticking with the entire plan only, for me, gets boring, and not enough challenge. And used alone, I did loose some condition I had already build up from P90X (which I have completed a number of times) - So for me, Rushfit is not a replacement. But rather an "add-on" series.

    But its one I like of about three-four that I keep in my rotation.
  • I must admit that I do really enjoy it and think it is working for me in a big way as I have never had a trainer before so just followed guides and done my own thing. I really like all the core and ab workouts and the way they focus on all muscle groups. My personal goal is to get lean as I don't want to be a beefcake so no need for big weights really and I play sports so lots of cardio based stuff. Once I get through all levels of the DVD I am not sure what I will do as it needs to be something I have the time and equipment for.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Well, I'm not looking to be a "beefcake" - lol! Anyway, if you're at a deficit, you'll only ever lean out even if you hit the heavy weights. I've really upped the weights and lowered the reps in X2 and after an initial swelling from the stored water, my muscles have leaned down and become more defined. I'm a short-*kitten*, so "beefing up" wouldn't be a good look for me!

    I'd be interested in hearing what you guys subbed in on the cardio days? One of the things I like about the schedule is that it allows you to stick in your own cardio twice a week. I'm going to work up a cardio routine based on rounds of skipping rope, shadow boxing/shadow kicks and heavy bag work - should compliment the programme nicely

    The main concern I have with the program is that I don't want to lose the progress I've made in various pull-ups - it's been hard-won! I think I'll probably use X2 Base and Back as my other cardio day to keep the pull ups in and then add some pull-ups to the rounds in one of the other disks later in the week (I'll determine which one work's best before I get into the programme). I reckon a few tweaks in the advanced programme and it'll be a killer! There's enough core-work and push-up type stuff in there as it is, as far as I can tell.
  • True about the deficit thing and I didn't mean anything by the beefcake thing I was just explaining why I no longer go to the gym and lift heavy weights. My cardio days consist of 90 mins of high intensity 5 a side football burning an average of 1000 calories. I know it only says 30 - 40 mins of medium intensity but I play football anyway so use that as a supplement. I have also done the odd bike ride or jog and skip rope once or twice but find football the most enjoyable and it is something I have a commitment to with friends so makes it easier even though its a harder workout if that makes sense
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Well, if it's dry here in October, I'll probably get out on the bike and do some hills - great cardio! If it's wet, I'll throw in some runs instead. I don't mind running when it's pissing it down, but I can't be doing with cycling in the same conditions! 1000 cals is a good workout - I don't play football myself, but can certainly respect the burn you guys go through!

    Seems like not many people are sharing their experiences of Rushfit? I know it's not as popular as some of the Beachbody programmes out there, but I thought more people on here might have done it.....

    That's one person who likes the workouts but not the whole thing as a programme, and one person who digs the programme. Be good to get some more responses!
  • Yeah I totally agree and I am a bit gutted to not have heard back off more people. Nevermind. I would like to add you and see how you get on and also see if I can get some tips from your diary to help me lower my body fat if possible. :D
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    No problem.... request accepted!
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Guys,

    My RushFit just arrived and I'll be starting when I finish my P90X, P90X2 & Insanity hybrid later this month.

    Are you both still doing it? My big question is what level to start at? I'm inclined to start out w the intermediate schedule as I've completed a few rounds of P90X, Insanity, run and bike. I think I'm in good enough shape that I don't need to start out as a beginner-what do you think!
  • hi everyone! I just ordered GSP's workout (I'm very excited) for all my past crappy workouts were for "fat people" and really, I got no results. Now that I've already lost a lot of poundage, I want to start building muscle and tone up so I don't look gross or have saggy skin. So my question now is, how do you log the workouts on here? I was curious and went to the exercise tab and just entered Rushfit or GSP and nothing came up. I don't have the dvd's yet so are you entering as aerobic exercise, cardio, strength? I would love any input and support, thanks :) Feel free to message me direct or add me as a friend.
  • pieboy100
    pieboy100 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys

    I started Rushfit 2 days ago, having done 2 months of Tapout XT previously (I got ill and had to take 2 weeks off so never finished it). I started Rushfit because I damaged my wrists (too many pressups on a hard floor) and need a conditiioning programme for a grappling competition coming up.

    I'm finding Rushfit fun but it's no where near as good a pulse-raiser as Tapout. Though the exercises are good, I feel that the rounds are too short. On the other hand I'm doing the advanced and so on days where you add Agility/stretch it takes over an hour - saying that however, I did the core and the agility DVD yesterday and looked at my HR monitor and saw I'd burned 549 calories though!

    On my cardio day, I'm planning to do one of the Tapout XT DVDs (probably one of the core ones as I train MMA and resistance band work seems more relevant than body weight exercises). I know on the blog (which seems excellent by the way) they say rowing is good?
