STARVING after work



  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    I do really good at work controlling my calories, but when I get home I am STARVING and just want to grab whatever is in my face. Most days I can just throw together dinner and be ok. But some days when dinner takes longer I end up grabbing a bunch of junk and then I'm not hungry for dinner.

    Does anyone else have this problem after getting home from work/school? I don't know if this is a habit (I used to come home from school when I was younger and eat) or if I need to find a new strategy to keep from blowing my calories the minute I get home.

    Any suggestions are much appreciated!

    I run into the same problem from time to time! I normally try and drink a lot of water at the end of my workday to control hunger or bring a healthy snack like celery or almonds to munch on after lunch and before leaving. I also try and do my workout as soon as I get home which for some reason makes me not eat as much after. One of the easiest things though is to plan your day the night before, plan out your dinner and have as much ready as possible so all you have to do is through it in the oven,pan, grill, whatever and your set!
  • TheYankeeBelle
    I have had the same habit of coming home from work and attacking the fridge! (My dad did the same thing when I was growing up, he died at 57 from tons of health problems)
    Even recently I found myself doing the same thing.
    I agree with the others who posted about having a snack before leaving work in the event that you're *truly* hungry and it's not just emotional eating from wanting the destress.
    And I also try to get in a workout too. But some days I just need to decompress, so I get on Pinterest! And I check out the new fashion pins and/or the fitness stuff. It motivates me to think about what I really want....and it's NOT that bag of chips or other crap I want to shove in my face! (word to the wise though: on Pinterest, stay away from the Food page! It's too tempting)
  • jtheiss
    jtheiss Posts: 14
    You really need to evaluate for yourself if this is truly hunger or if it's habit. My husband and I both struggle with this habit of wanting to eat something the minute we walk through the door. I, too, used to come home from school and the first thing I did was have a snack. It's like ingrained in me now....come home, have snack. I've even noticed sometimes that we'll come home from eating out and I will experience that urge to eat when I walk in the door. I'm obviously not hungry since we just finished eating at a restaurant, so it's clearly habit kicking in. You need to be able to tell the difference between when you're really starving and when you're just responding to triggers that make you want to eat. If you're really hungry, have a protein rich snack like others have said. If you're not, find something else to do until the urge to eat has passed.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    The secret really is go plan ahead duck. I make big big big batches of soup and then it's just there and ready when I am. Have a slice of bread with it and you're sorted.