Has your change in lifestyle made you tee total?

I've been a heavy party goer for a long time, and I used to drink a bottle or two of wine a night no problems. This year things have changed. I've actually gone a month without drinking, and since then am far more infrequent, and now? Well now I've decided I don't think I want alcohol in my life any more!
I love the feelings of NOT having a hangover, of not feeling lethargic for days.
I've only been on MFP for a month, and I've only started my fitness in earnest over the last fortnight, but something seems to have switched.

So who saw less of a need or desire for alcohol as their health journey progressed?


  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Never been a particularly heavy drinker anyway, so it's not something that has significantly changed, to be honest. I've always been able to take or leave alcohol - but I probably do drink less now than I used to, because I am reluctant to use up the calories on something of relatively low nutritional value.
  • suej20
    suej20 Posts: 21 Member
    Was totally shocked when I saw how many calories a bottle of wine clocked up! Added to that I'd have a big bag of Doritos with it and found I'd consumed a over a days food in one evening!

    I still have a glass or two if I fancy it but try to stick to spirits with a diet mixer now.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I didn't really teetotal, but it's hard to justify a bunch of alcohol when you see what it may "cost" you in calories. Like everything else, once you start measuring, you start managing..
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I for sure have consumed less alcohol-I'd rather eat my calories than drink them :)
    No more white russians or mud slides for me. So sad. I do have some wine now and then, but no more heavy drinks. I must say, it feels great!
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    Beer is my downfall. But I work hard so I can play hard. I'm sure I'd be in better shape if I gave it up, I'm just not willing to give it up 100%. I tend to drink more during the summer months and maybe once a week during winter.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I'm with you. I think that was a huge contributing factor to my weight gain. And now it's time for my gut to go!!!
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member
    I will never mutiny against Capt. Morgan, though we're more selective about how often we set sail, and it's always aboard the good ship Cokezero.
  • jvpease
    jvpease Posts: 11
    Agree. Calories are way too precious to give up in alcohol. I used to drink a lot of beer but won't sacrifice those calories anymore. And beers like Miller 64 or Bud Select 55 are low in calories but have significantly less alcohol in them. Instead, I prefer to drink bourbon on the rocks and forgo any mixers. An ounce of bourbon is only 69 calories which definitely fits my new lifestyle. Cheers!
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm still figuring out how it will fit into my overall life. For now, I have significantly cut down on wine and other alcohol consumption. It was a two-edged sword for me - first, I was increasing my calorie intake and, second, I would feel too lethargic to exercise. I blame a lot of my weight gain on imbibing.

    I have to say I feel much better without it - but I do miss it. My husband still has cocktails and it is hard to watch him enjoy them when I can't.

    This will probably be my biggest single challenge in keeping my weight off once I lose it.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    I find not drinking very difficult...I'm in my early 20s and love socialising so it kinda comes with the territory! I've forced myself to drink only one night on a weekend, and when I do it's gin and slimline tonic, coming in at under 60 cals per drink! I will save up a modest amount of calories each day during the week if I know it'll be hard to not go over my goal. I also volunteer to be the designated driver, which forces me not to give in! that tactic definitely works, and means my mates save money on taxis :)

    I think alcohol is like any other food that you enjoy or have as a 'guilty pleasure' - if you restrict too much you'd end up binging perhaps. Maybe that's just me. I haven't had a pint of cider in nearly 2 months though! which I count as a massive win, as it comes in at over 200 calories per pint!

    In short, I am drinking a LOT less than before, but not completely tee total.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    Never really been a heavy drinker anyway so I still have an occasional glass of wine or a beer. There is not much I have totally cut out good and drink wise since I started doing this. If I really want something I have it, in moderation.
  • Wine (or any spirit) is the one thing I can not moderate! Elliemo will testify to my extreme ability to drink and then punch people in the face! lol
    But what I will do is never say never. At the moment I'm so focused on getting to goal that I' taking advantage of all those healthy feelings, not to mention the lack of desire for stodge the day of the hangover!
    And by the looks of it, the next night out will see some of us fighting over who wants to be designated driver!