Hello from Northern VA.

I am new here. My friend sent me the link to this site at the beginning of the week. I like it! I started working on my weight loss 2 years ago. I lost 30 lbs but then plateaued for about a year. During that year I bounced around 5 lbs up and down up and down. You know how it is.
This Spring I started working on "me" again. I do aquafit three times a week, Tai Chi once a week and Kung Fu once a week. Slowly but surely the weight (and inches) are starting to drop.
Definitely saw the benefits this week by logging my food in MFP. Definitely keeps me on track! Hoping you all can keep me motivated too!


  • lesamac17
    lesamac17 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Lyssa, yes, this app is really great. Let's keep each other motivated and get this weight under control. Yay!
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    Glad to see fellow NOVA peeps on here too :)
    I have been on here since the end of January and this site has been very helpful in keeping me accountable with tracking. :happy: