Vegetarian Supplements

I'm sure some of you are probably sick of my posts by now, but I want to be prepared before I become a full fledged vegetarian.

That being said, I know it is recommended that I take a B-12 supplement since those vitamins are only found in animal products, but what other supplements would you recommend? And, do vegetarians take fish oil supplements? (Probably a stupid questions, but I have to ask.) If not, what do they take instead?


  • curvyvegan
    curvyvegan Posts: 80 Member
    B-12 is the only vitamin that you really need to supplement on a vegan diet. Any common multivitamin will have enough B-12 to meet your needs, so that's probably the best way to go. I personally don't take a multivitamin because every single one that I've tried makes me sick to my stomach, so I take a separate B-12 supplement, it's by SOLARAY and it's a a chalk vitamin that turns into gum as you chew it. It has 1000 mcg of B-12. Just chew it until all the flavor is gone and then spit it out. It's actually kind of tasty.

    Vegetarians wouldn't take fish still kills the fish to get the oil! ;) Omega-3 fatty acids are found in large amounts in flaxseeds, hempseeds, walnuts, and leafy green vegetables. I like to grind 1 Tbsp of flaxseeds and throw it into a smoothie. There has been some question about how well people convert omega-3's into DHA...every body is different, so some vegetarians choose to take an algae-based DHA supplement, like Udo's.

    Hope that helps!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 12 years, I do not take anything more than a multivit, omega 3 and an extra b complex. I am in perfect health, low bp, low chol etc. If you go lacto ovo there is only the iron to worry about and if you like beans and veggies you got that covered too. Its really not a whole lot different except you will be without a lot of the hormones, chemicals and pink slime they add to animals! Buy at local farmers markets as much as you can and you can be free of pesticides in your fruits and veggies too!