Last Few Pounds of Stomach Fat

Hey MFPers,

So I've been tearing away the weight and adding on muscle for the past 6 months. So far I've been able to drop 41 pounds, gone down 4 pant sizes, and gone from an XL to fitted large shirt. But I'm having a problem with the last few pounds of stomach fat. I started this weight loss thing at 240, now down to 198. Want to get between 185-190. My chest, arms, and legs are shaping up, but it seems no matter how many ab workouts I do I cant get the layer of fat/skin to tighten up.

Now I do cardio like its going out of style. Running, Walking, elliptical, sprints, etc. A buddy of mine recommended to cut out all carbs and go on a solid week of protien, but any other tips or workouts I should try would be great!!!


  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Limit cardio.

    Lift heavy.

    Moderate Caloric Deficit.

    ETA: Though I find myself less bloated in my belly,cutting carbs aren't necessary (unless it prevents adequate protein and fat intake), I think it was the deficit that cut the fat on my belly.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Fat loss.

    Cutting carbs won't do it.

    Excessive ab work outs wont do it.

    You're losing fat you say, so just continue losing fat the way you've been doing it.

    You cannot spot reduce.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Im interested in what other people have to say. Lately, I have cut down on starches and ate a lot of fruits and veggies. Fruits have a lot of carbs though. I have heard not to eat carbs after 6. The homestretch seems to be the hardest. Congrats on the weightloss though :happy:
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    I just tjink it works in the inverse....u gain belly first and lose there last
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First, genetically most men lose fat around the belly last, so it makes sense that's the slowest/hardest to lose.

    Second, focus on fat loss, which is a combination of 2 things: weight loss and muscle retention/gain. You lose weight by eating at a defict, you retain muscle by lifting heavy and consuming adequate protein.

    Third, all that crab about eating at certain times of the day (or not eating at certain times of the day), cutting out carbs or sugars or whatever else... hose ****. Eat what you want when you want, just make sure it falls within your macros.

    So... to focus on body composition, make sure your diet is right (healthy deficit with high protein intake) and you are lifting heavy.

    BTW - ab exercises are a waste of time for most people - do squats and deads instead.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I'm going to write a song about how there's no such thing as spot reduction. I will record it and put it on YouTube. Then I will post it here every time someone has this question.

    I'm not mocking your question, it's legitimate, as all the magazines like to tell us that they can reduce your stomach fat in just 10 minutes a day. I just think it would be fun to have a song about it to share.
  • Ozzy283
    Ozzy283 Posts: 8
    Thank you everyone for the replies! From what I've read today and some of the messages that I received I'm going to add in some dead lifts, leg extensions, squats, and put more focus on staying within my macros.