How much carbs daily?

Good Morning!!

I would like to know if anyone can tell me how many carbs I should have a day if I am trying to lose weight. I wake up in the morning and do an hour walk/jog then have my first meal about an hour later. I do get carbs from fruits and veggies and was wondering if the extra carbs from multi-grain breads/potatoes/etc should be cut out my diet. If I was doing something more extensive like p90x or working out a 2nd time daily I may need these carbs but with just the one consuming my carbs through fruits and veggies enough?



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    You don't really NEED grains. But you can lose weight while still eating them. As long as you stay within your allotted calories, you will lose. It's figuring out those numbers that is the key. If you don't have much weight to lose, it's difficult and slow going. We don't know enough about you to make any educated guesses.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Good Morning!!

    I would like to know if anyone can tell me how many carbs I should have a day if I am trying to lose weight. I wake up in the morning and do an hour walk/jog then have my first meal about an hour later. I do get carbs from fruits and veggies and was wondering if the extra carbs from multi-grain breads/potatoes/etc should be cut out my diet. If I was doing something more extensive like p90x or working out a 2nd time daily I may need these carbs but with just the one consuming my carbs through fruits and veggies enough?


    Personal preference, look to get in adequate amounts of protein and fats, then allot your remaining cals over the rest of the macros however you like
  • harmony223
    harmony223 Posts: 47 Member
    You don't really NEED grains. But you can lose weight while still eating them. As long as you stay within your allotted calories, you will lose. It's figuring out those numbers that is the key. If you don't have much weight to lose, it's difficult and slow going. We don't know enough about you to make any educated guesses.

    I weigh about 170 and I'm trying to lose 20 lbs. I consume a lot of carbs/sugars through grapefruits which I eat three daily along with one other serving of fruit. Three meals a day and 2 snacks a day. When I do eat bread it is multi-grain and I usually only have half a serving. I consume no more then 1200 calories a day. Not sure what else I need to let you know. Thanks for your help.
  • harmony223
    harmony223 Posts: 47 Member
    Good Morning!!

    I would like to know if anyone can tell me how many carbs I should have a day if I am trying to lose weight. I wake up in the morning and do an hour walk/jog then have my first meal about an hour later. I do get carbs from fruits and veggies and was wondering if the extra carbs from multi-grain breads/potatoes/etc should be cut out my diet. If I was doing something more extensive like p90x or working out a 2nd time daily I may need these carbs but with just the one consuming my carbs through fruits and veggies enough?


    Personal preference, look to get in adequate amounts of protein and fats, then allot your remaining cals over the rest of the macros however you like

    I defiantly get adequate amounts of protein and fat, I will add peanuts fat consumption is low but want to make sure I don't need the extra carbs. I know when I was doing P90X it was suggested.
  • BeantownSooner
    Try to do a marco split of 30% Carbs/50% Protein/20% Fat and see how it goes (or 30%/40%/30%). This is actually the suggested macro nutrient levels for the 1st month of P90X which they call Fat Shredder. As you said, carbs are in everything so very hard to completely remove them unless you go Atkins or Paleo. Generally speaking you should be able to hit those macro levels by having 1 Serving of Carb per day but your fruits may impact hitting that so see how it goes.
  • harmony223
    harmony223 Posts: 47 Member
    Try to do a marco split of 30% Carbs/50% Protein/20% Fat and see how it goes (or 30%/40%/30%). This is actually the suggested macro nutrient levels for the 1st month of P90X which they call Fat Shredder. As you said, carbs are in everything so very hard to completely remove them unless you go Atkins or Paleo. Generally speaking you should be able to hit those macro levels by having 1 Serving of Carb per day but your fruits may impact hitting that so see how it goes.

    thank you :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I do a split of 65% carbs, 15% fat and 20% protein. I'm losing weight no problem as well.

    What you really need to ask yourself is: "How active do I want to be," and "How much strength training do I want to do?"

    If you're going to take up running, or any other cardio activity, then you'll need more carbs (60-70%) but if you're going to be strength training, you'll want a lot more protein (I would say up to 40%). If you're just doing exercise to keep healthy, and aren't going to do a large amount of either, then a carb macro of about 50% should do you well, if you're otherwise fairly active in your daily routine. I wouldn't put it any lower than 40%. Carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy. At the very least, you need a steady intake of carbs to power your brain.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    Personally I find if your friends with 20 people on here the people who tend to lose the most (with the minimal amount of effort) are the people who bump up protein and fat and lower carbs. I've notice that people who eat around 150 grams of carbs a day (or less) tend to shed more. I tend to watch net carbs (gross carbs less fibre) and do notice when i follow it i lose more. of course fats would be good fats from natural sources (like nuts). Just an opinion - not a fact - then again there are really no facts around weight loss just trial and error.

    My profile is 30% carbs/35% protein/ 35 fats
  • fastbackdan
    fastbackdan Posts: 21 Member

  • iksworbez
    iksworbez Posts: 21 Member
    I try to stay under 20g of carbs a day... My macros are preset at 5% Carb %60 Fat ad %35 Protein
  • fastbackdan
    fastbackdan Posts: 21 Member
    Good Morning!!

    I would like to know if anyone can tell me how many carbs I should have a day if I am trying to lose weight. I wake up in the morning and do an hour walk/jog then have my first meal about an hour later. I do get carbs from fruits and veggies and was wondering if the extra carbs from multi-grain breads/potatoes/etc should be cut out my diet. If I was doing something more extensive like p90x or working out a 2nd time daily I may need these carbs but with just the one consuming my carbs through fruits and veggies enough?

  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Standard diet is 50 carb, 20 fat, 30 protein.

    I like 15/50/35 myself.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Personally I find if your friends with 20 people on here the people who tend to lose the most (with the minimal amount of effort) are the people who bump up protein and fat and lower carbs. I've notice that people who eat around 150 grams of carbs a day (or less) tend to shed more. I tend to watch net carbs (gross carbs less fibre) and do notice when i follow it i lose more. of course fats would be good fats from natural sources (like nuts). Just an opinion - not a fact - then again there are really no facts around weight loss just trial and error.

    This describes my method exactly. Since I started, I've aimed for 150 or fewer gross carbs per day. I eat a ton of healthy fat, 40+% of my daily calories. I eat one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass minimum (130ish grams). I've lost weight eating a healthy amount of calories with no plateaus, steady, and without feeling deprived 95% of the time.

    Now that I'm heading toward maintenance, I'm experimenting with adding more carbs from fruit. And beer, probably.
  • Ondreacrandall
    Ondreacrandall Posts: 43 Member
    I just recently changed mine to 40% protein 30% carbs and 30% fat. This is the most doable for me. I tried the 40/40/20 and I found that I kept exceeding my fat goal due to eating nuts and healthy fats.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Same ratio i'm on.

    I love it.

    I'll probably swap to 30% protein when I hit a goal body fat and want to do a little bulking.
  • dbw1900
    dbw1900 Posts: 1
    The only tip I can give you is what my trainer told me. Get your heavier carbs in before 2:00 p.m. daily after that stick with the carbs you get through your proteins and veggies. For example, I may eat oatmeal during the morning for breakfast, brown rice for lunch, but for dinner and snacks it is nuts, fruits, veggies, and protein.
    Just my thought.
  • harmony223
    harmony223 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you everyone for the responses..I will take them all into consideration!!
  • veryrefreshing