Advice on quitting soda anyone?

I have a major addiction to Drpepper and want to cut it out completely but not sure how to go about it. I have heard that stepping down is the best but then I also have heard cold turkey is the best. Any advice? Thanks!


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    The addiction to soda has two parts. 1 is sugar and the other is caffeine.

    You could try replacing the caffeine portion with other sources such as coffee. You can try replacing the sugar with healthier options such as a piece of fruit.
  • deagh93
    deagh93 Posts: 77 Member
    Do you have any other caffeine source? If you don't, then you want to step down. That caffeine withdrawal headache will kill you. Last time I tried to go off caffeine I lasted three days through the headache before I gave up.

    If you drink other caffeinated drinks, though (coffee, tea) then the headache is less of a problem and you can go cold turkey.

    Anyway, what I did when I was cutting down is I'd have a soda and then tell myself I couldn't have another one until I drank a glass of water. I haven't given up Coke Zero, but I don't drink nearly as much as I used to.
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    I quit a month ago cold turkey. I found that by drinking lots of water it got me through the first few days easily. I would easily drink 6-8 cans of Coke a day from the time I woke up until I went to bed. Once I decided to quit, I just did it. It sucks the first few days, but you'll feel better for it.
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    I quit my Diet Coke addiction by cutting down to one a day and then just stopped. I drink green tea and water first I missed the carbonation but now I find that my cravings for sweets and decreased. You'll be happy you did it.
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    In order to cut out the soda I just made it unavailble. I used to keep a 12 pack of coke in the fridge at work. I changed to just taking one a day, that helped.

    I like the soda cold so at home I'd just keep one in the fridge, then replace it as I used it, so it would take a couple of hours to get cold.

    Then I just started forgetting to bring them into the office and had a case of water by the side of the desk.

    Now I just use the soda as a pick me up on bad days. I'd use beer but that is frowned upon in the office. :smile:

    *Side Note* I felt like having a Coke at Mcdonalds the other day, that was so SWEEEEEEEET, I just stick to the cans now
  • msstardust
    msstardust Posts: 2 Member
    I quit cold turkey as well, first two days major headache, same thing when I give up chocolate. But, drink LOTS of water, not only does it help the headache but it fills you up. When I want something fizzy, I get carbonated water - no flavor, just the water.
  • Dr. Pepper was always my drug of choice, but when I decided to adopt a healthly lifestyle I knew it had to go. As someone who previously drank excessive amounts of the 23 flavors I can tell you that it's not easy to quit cold turkey, but it's the best way.

    Depending on your diet, you may just want to allocate a certain day to enjoy a can, but history has taught me that if it's in the house, it will be consumed. The best thing to do is simply drink plenty of water and substitute in your favorite flavor pack on occassion to keep the tastebuds guessing.

    Best of luck, you really won't miss it as much as you think. I promise.
  • My husband made me quit cold turkey. He put a jug of water in the fridge. I was so pissed I didn't drink for 2 days. Then I realized how fufilling the ice cold water was and have been a water drinker ever since.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Dr. Pepper was my drink also. One weekend when I worked at a car/motorcycle show out-of-town, I was downing Dr Pepper all day long for three days while running full speed. The water fountain was broken in my building, so soda was the only drink. Come Monday morning, all I could taste was sugar and I did not feel well, at all. I decided that I needed to get the overdose of soda out of my system, so I stopped drinking soda. That was 10 years ago and I rarely drink soda anymore. I say go cold turkey and deal with whatever withdrawals you incur.