Here i go AGAIN!

I'm brand spanking new to MFP, but not new to weight loss.

I've lost a little here and there several times over the last 12 years. but have always gained it back.

October 2011 my hubby and I registered for the Indy 500 Festival half marathon and started watching what we were eating. We both had huge sucess. He lost about 40 pounds, i lost close to 30. (Both of us have considerably more to go). The half marathon was in May and we both finished it with no problems (we both walked more than ran, but did a mix of the two). After the race, I got lazy and started slacking with my exercising, then really backslid on my eating.

I decided to sign up for another half marathon in hopes that it will scare me into doing what I need to be doing again. I started exercising again last week (3 times a week doing run/walks) and start monday I finally committed to get back on track with my eating. I downloaded the MFP app on my phone, I had used another app in the past that I really liked, but the last few upgrades have caused some bugs and the barcode scanner sucked. Since Monday i've tracked my food intake religiously, I know for me that's what works.

So, here I am again, back on track and hoping for long term determination and will power.
I'll be training for my 2nd half marathon that's on March 30th so if you're also training for a half, or thinkng about it, i'd love to chat.


  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    welcome! I too am signed up for a Half Marathon, which scares me to death!! Lol but I cant wait to get out there and do it! I train 6 days a week either running, or walking at 3.8pmh/ 15min/mile to build up my endurance to my running speed.

    Friend me if you like!! MFP is GREAT! I absolutely love it!! Counting your calories may be hard at first, but gets addicting!

    Hope this works for you!!
