What my daughter learned from her Grandma

I was sitting at a restaurant earlier this week and my 15 year old daughter said she didn't really care for one of the items that she was eating. Then she said, "But I'll do what grandma taught me, I'll eat the nasty stuff first so I can enjoy the good stuff."

If made me think of the whole "clean plate" thing. I realized that it exactly how I grew up. My daughters plate was actually full of healthy choices, but she didn't care for one of them. If she ate that first, and then finished up with the stuff she liked, it wouldn't have been too big of deal, except setting her up for some bad habits of eating past the point of hungry.

So we talked about how it's probably better to eat the one thing she wanted and evaluate her hunger level. If she was still hungry she might want to go ahead and eat the "nasty" thing. If not, then she could stop eating and not worry about overeating just because she "saved the best for last".

Now I'm going to take my own advice from now on! As long as the choices are healthy, I will only eat the thing I really like and then decide if I'm hungry enough to eat the other stuff.
