Day after a binge-y day

So, if you have a day when you are definitely off-track, for whatever reason, what do you do to get yourself back ON TRACK the next day? For me, it varies. If I just ate a little more than I should have, maybe because I went out to dinner with friends, enjoyed a little dessert, I start fresh the next day and move on.

BUT, if I've had a full-blown binge-y day, involving, say, ice cream for breakfast, and dinner, and some cookies, and a big bowl of pasta for a late dinner, and a second helping of that pasta, and THEN I feel physically and mentally awful the next morning, I want to detox. Before anyone tells me that I don't need to detox, that my body does the detox thing all on its own, it's more of a mental trick to me. I will absolutely POUND water, as much as I can manage. If nothing else, it will flush all that sodium out of my system, and I won't feel as bloat-y. Sometimes I will limit my food intake to Greek yogurt (makes my tummy feel better) and Balance bars and maybe fruit, at least during the earlier part of the day. This isn't to make up for the overage of calories the day before, but so I don't tax my system as much. And I hope that all this gets my butt back on track, and I don't fall off again and go buy more cookies. Or ice cream. Or whatever I'm craving at that moment.

What do you do? Any other ideas for me? I hate it when I can't string together even two or three days of "on track" in a row!