Starting over??

moonport Posts: 97 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
This post is going to be a bit long winded. Sorry in advance. Last summer I auditioned for the musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. There were about 100 girls competing for 7 roles. I never thought I actually had a shot, seeing as how my weight was fluctuating somewhere around 226. However, miracle of miracles, I got one of the parts. At the first rehearsal, the choreographer pulled us seven "brides" and the men cast as the "brothers" on stage to practice dance lifts. I'm a good dancer, but lifts? At my weight? I was panicked. I had about 75-100 lbs. on the other six girls. I decided that day that I had to do something and quick. I didn't want my partner to feel like he was stuck with the " fat bride". I didn't want the audience thinking that either. So, I hit the gym everyday and watched my calories like a hawk. Lo and behold 7 weeks later, on opening night, I weighed in at 198.6. I was absolutely euphoric. I was still the "fat bride", but I didn't have a 2 at the beginning of my weight! I've never been thin and hadn't seen my weight that low in several years.

After the show ended, I lost my motivation. I was depressed and stopped to going to the gym. I ate fast food at least once a day and didn't watch what I was eating at all. In September I weighed myself for the first time and discovered I had gained back 17 lbs. Instead of getting depressed, though, I set firm goals for myself to lose weight. This time my motivation was purely for me, not for anything I was hoping to obtain (like witht the play). It's only been three weeks, but I've already droppped back to the weight I was at last summer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to see my weight down again, but I can't help help but feel depressed that if I had just stayed on track I would already be at my goal weight. I feel like I'm starting over. :cry:


  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Don't give up! Keep going! you are doing great. I have my days when i don't feel like going to the gym, and want to eat some cake. I use to get discouraged, and I would give up on losing weight. Now I don't do that. If I have a bad day I just know that I will do better the next day, or the next week. It has worked so far. I have lost 30 pounds. Keep up the great job:flowerforyou:
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    Don't give up! Keep going! you are doing great. I have my days when i don't feel like going to the gym, and want to eat some cake. I use to get discouraged, and I would give up on losing weight. Now I don't do that. If I have a bad day I just know that I will do better the next day, or the next week. It has worked so far. I have lost 30 pounds. Keep up the great job

    tlapdx72 said it best! Positive thinking will get you SO far! I think of it like this: "What alternative do I have? Not workout and eat crap, then what....I'll gain all the weight I've lost and be depressed again, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!"

    Anyway, keep going to the gym NO MATTER WHAT and eating good and you will be so pleased you stuck with it! We're all here if you need us!

    Add me as a friend too!:glasses:
  • You are not alone... I started MFP in feb of this year and have been up and down...I was all excited and into it and then i broke my foot a few weeks after i started.. I was in a cast for 5 weeks.. I tried to stay within my calories but it was hard I get depressed very easily and just give up... My daughter started with me and she is still going strong...she has actually met her first goal and has decided to keep going for another 5-10 lbs.. SHE LOOKS FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have her Fat clothes... which is good for me because i had to lose 26lbs to fit into them..I dropped th 26 lbs and then nothing for about a month.. I was even exercising.. again got depressed and gave up.. I pretty much stopped watching what I ate for the last two months and I always felt guilty but kept eating whatever I wanted anyway... Finally I decided enough is enough and I nervously stepped back on the scales last saturday and was surprised I had only put back on 7 lbs... I decided to give myself and incentive.. I am going to put away $10.00 for every pound that i lose each week so that i can go on a shopping spree when i reach my goal..this is thursday and i am already down 3lbs yay!!!!!!!!!! positive to keep going this time ..I too have the same thoughts that if only I had stuck to it I would already be at my goal and into my new clothes!!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!

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  • I'm the same way. I joined in november but once I moved away for school and got caught up in stuff with my club and everything I just didn't have the time to pay attention to me and my health. Amazingly I wasn't gaining anything put I haven't lost a lot either. Now I've started getting really into it again and I've lost 10 pounds in about 2 weeks.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Just think of what a HOTTIE you ARE going to be NEXT summer by sticking to it!! I am glad you started over, may you be blessed!!!
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    I've gotten on and off track so often over the years that its not funny.

    Good for you on getting back on track instead of just falling further off.
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