


  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Bump for later!
  • prettywittywise
    Don't know if anyone recommended this yet,

    Bob Harper's Kettlebell video is intense.... I mean I used a 4lb kettlebell the first time doing it. Now I use a 10lb regularly for the whole video. I do use a 25lb kettlebell standing alone, not during the video. (partially because I do everything from turbofire, insanity, p90x, yoga and running) You work every muscle group and do everything from burpees to swinging the kettlebell over you head, lifts, rows, balance, I mean I am sweating like crazy afterwards!!

    Kettlebells helped me through my plateau. Try a 4 lb and then get a bigger one!

    The most important thing to do is to learn proper form first. The video Kettlenetics by Michelle Khai is very very helpful in that! and has some easy videos with it!!