How often should I weigh?



  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 135 Member
    I weigh once a week. Your weight changes so much day to day. I weigh on Friday morning that way I can also eat a. Little higher cals but still under goal and have all week for it to balance back out.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Once a week is what I have always preferred.... My weigh in day has always been Wednesday..... Best of Luck...
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    I record it every Mon but I do get on the scale each morning. Im a numbers person so I liked the idea of knowing how much my weight will yo-yo thru the week.
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    I stand on the scale every morning.... I just can't help it! But I only log my weight on Mondays, that's the weight that "counts".
  • eleeke2008
    I personally try to take my recorded weight once a week, but i wont lie I usually weigh every other day to see if i have made progress.
  • harrisaman
    I started yesterday myself and I always have my weigh in on the day that I start, so every Wed it will be for me..............................GOOD LUCK Lilliam G! :smile:
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    I weigh in once a month or so. I don't own a scale, so that makes it easier. I feel like I'm able to focus better on my workouts rather than the result I may want to see every week/day. I've only been lifting for a little over 2 months, but I'm already stronger and jeans that I couldn't zip 3 months ago now require a belt. That is so much more satisfying than any number on a scale :)
  • tdfowler12
    I started going to a doctor when I decided to make a change and I go once a week. However, she will only weigh me once a month. I do cheat a little from time to time on a set of scales at work about every two weeks but as she explained weighing to often doesn't always give you a good idea of how things are going. She said your body will sometimes retain excess water for numerous reasons and you don't want to think your gaining weight when in fact your not.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Trainers and nutritionists always recommend
    weighing in once a week in the morning and
    nude. You should also take measurements once
    a month.