Nausea after Running??

I am pretty new to running...doing the couch to 5k. Today after running I felt very nauseous. It was no hotter than usual and I drank plenty of water before and even took some with me and drank. Any ideas what it may be? I always eat AFTER my runs, today I definately have no appetite...


  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    If you didn't change your routine, I'd just chalk it up to a bad day, I've had isolated days with symptoms like that for seemingly no reason. As long as it's not a recurrent problem, you're drinking enough water, then I wouldn't worry too much. Go get em tomorrow!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    You could have actually had too much water. I know it sounds odd, but if you over hydrate it can make you feel nauseous both while you are running and after. If I have more than a sip or so at a time while I'm actually running it almost instantly makes me feel nauseous and after a particularly rough 8 mile run a few weeks ago in warmer weather than I'd expected when I headed out, I chugged back a 24 oz bottle of water as soon as I got home (after finishing what was left in the bottles I'd run with) and felt nauseous for almost two hours afterwards.
  • Val_NC
    Val_NC Posts: 5 Member
    I can't run anymore due to 4 surgeries on the right knee, but when I was younger I ran 5+ miles 2x/day. I had nausea every time I ran, even to the point of vomiting at the end of my runs at times. I was told by my track & basketball coaches that it was nothing to worry about, but asked my doctor anyway. He told me the same thing, but wanted me to make sure I was hydrated before & after the runs. I guess it depends on the person maybe, but you may have taken in too much water too.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I get this too, I'm fine while running, but as soon as I stop, nausea can hit. I found it happened more if I ate fruit within about 45 minutes before my workout. I need to walk for a few minutes, and it will go away, but it sucks while you feel sick.
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    My daughter is an avid runner and has been in countless marathons and such. She pretty much vomits every time:frown: Its usually anytime after 12 miles in. It does not matter if she eats or not before hand. I used to be worried about it, but since then I've researched it and its much more common than you think. At first she was embarrassed and it kinda ruined the rest of her run, but now she just owns it and just keeps going:wink:
  • gracekildoo
    gracekildoo Posts: 8 Member
    I have been feeling the same way. It began after I started watching my calories. If I have a protein bar or banana soon after I'm done running, the nausea goes away fairly quickly. It's just hard getting myself to eat after I run, because my appetite goes right away, no matter how hungry I was before the run. Maybe try having a banana or protein bar for quick calories/protein after you run. Hope this helps!
  • shelleylawes
    Maybe you should try eating before you run? That's what I do. I get really sick and light-headed after I work out if I don't eat something beforehand, even just a small piece of fruit :)
  • lauraniwa
    lauraniwa Posts: 131 Member
    It has to do with blood pH and how fast your body processes exercise metabolites.
    When we exercise we produce lactic acid, which dissociates into lactate (which gets reabsorbed and used as fuel) and hydrogens. Hydrogens (H-) will drop the pH of your blood and can make you feel nauseous. It also tends to happen more at higher intensities. You can get more tolerant of this though, and each runner will be different.
  • 1Tim4v8
    1Tim4v8 Posts: 47
    but now she just owns it and just keeps going:wink:

    Your daughter is AWESOME!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    It might not have been hotter than usual but running can actually be kind of moody. You can be fine in the heat two days ago but today your body is complaining and whining. That's just kind of the way it goes.

    I was out for a run around 6 today. It was hot. My tummy was very unsettled but finally felt better in the last 15 minutes of the run.

    Stay hydrated and keep going.
  • 1Tim4v8
    1Tim4v8 Posts: 47
    You all may want to try drinking chocolate milk after your run, it always help me feel better when I feel nausea s