How long did it take you to lose weight?

I am at a standstill and kind of lost my motivation. For the last month or so I haven't been strict food wise or exercise for that matter. I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if they got back on the bandwagon and lost more weight? Is this just a stumbling block? Will I get to my goal? I need to lose about 40 more pounds to get there. AAAHHHH!!!


  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    You can definitely get to your goal! I think we all need a break sometimes - both mentally and physically - from the whole weight loss thing. It's great to take some time to give our bodies a rest from the calorie deficit and the abuse that heavy exercise can inflict as well as all the mental work from calorie counting. So, enjoy your break and figure out some mini-goals to help yourself get back into it. Maybe just start walking a few times a week, or logging your food every day (don't even worry about being under calories - just get back in the habit of logging) and once you've met your mini goals, you'll be back in it full swing in no time! Good luck!
  • mrsheu
    mrsheu Posts: 30
    It's called plateau. Try different things, including increasing calorie intake, decreasing calorie intake, increasing workout, changing your macros, ect. There's a lot of threads on the board about this topic. Good luck!
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I have been at this for 5 years, started at 272 and as of Saturday I weighed in at 193. It is definitely a work in progress. Give it time, tweek your food and be consistent is all I can say. It does sound like you have hit a plateau. Don't give up!
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    i joined june 2011 (another name). I work out pretty tough cause I love it, and different things, not just the same exercises. I hit my plateau after losing 14 pounds in 6 MONTHS!! Eight months later, today, nothing. Makes no difference what I do - lower my calories, up my calories. But I havent stopped, and dont you stop either. I have about 20 more lbs to go and by golly I'm gonna get there. Let's hear you say the same for yourself.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Sometimes I think about it like this: This is how I eat now, it is my lifestyle, not a diet. So if I have a bad day and eat to many calories, OK, but tomorrow I need to do better. Because next year at this time, I do not want to be in this position. So just keep going, a little bit at a time is the BEST way. Good Luck. You can do it. BTW, I am working on 35lbs.