how can i get my mind on track with my body to work out?

Ok, I am not sure if its just me or my body is just not ready for to muche excersice...I have bee on my diet sine 7/28/2012 and joined mfp, as far as food the first 2 days were so hard.. I found myself wanting to eat past seven, snack on things and felt like I couldnts do it but by day four I was ok with the food. I adjusted my calories ans what I eat an now am not feeling like I did. My problen is excersise, I dont have a partner its just me so I put on some dvds get started and quit than, I try it on the treadmill five min past and I am sitting on the sofa. I rather just sit.. My mind tells me thats not right and I want so bad to work out. I find my self rather not doing anything at all. I need help because I know with a work out plan the weight will come off faster and I will be healthier. Ijust cant seem to get myself there, at the end of this I want my mind and body to enjoy working out I want to be able to say this feels great.. It seems so far though so any tips on how to get me off this train please much thanks:smile: