food advice

When it comes down to it, I know HOW to eat and WHAT to eat - but I'm looking for a quick and dirty guide for this super busy mom for those days my mind is maxed. . . so I don't settle for something I shouldn't! Is there anything like that on this site? If anyone knows where to look for such a link and could post it for me, I'd really appreciate it. I need to get back on the lifestyle train!



  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Hi there! What I do, when I know I'm going to be busy with my kids or something else, I make a lot of food in the slow cooker. So when I come home, it's done and I'm not tempted to get pizza or McDonald's. There's soo many things you can cook in them, too! Especially in the winter months, I love mine! :heart: I also pre make salads and wraps for quick lunches and pre make snacks too. I'll put everything in ziploc bags, so it's easy to grab whenever.