Okay... be brutal!



  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    Dump the sugar -empty calories at best, lethal to fat shedding at worst.

    Reduse the white carbs (breads, rice, pasta, cereal) -see above, all carbs break down into sugars to be stored as fat when not used for energy. You do not have to eliminate but do reduce them.

    Cut your sodium -fluid retention and uncool for the kidneys.

    Eat more whole foods -they feed your cells. processed, pre-packaged, boxed foods have way less nutrients your body needs and they as a whole contain more fat, more sugar, more sodium, more calories.

    Not easy to give up all the good and easy foods but then again, it is not easy to look in the mirror at a person i don't recognize or even like. :) I wish you the very best. Eat better, move more and you will see results. Live this way to LIVE!
  • Katalyst77
    Okay, speaking as a trainer and a woman who has lost over 150lbs, I have this to say. Your eating way to little in the morning. Two slices of bread ?? That wont hold you. Its just going to spike your blood sugar and make you feel more hungry. I , usually opt for natural carbs, protein ( eggs) fruits and veggies in the am. Also, i see very little, if any veggies and fruits. These provide needed nutrients and fill you up..

    Ha! Maybe I should have posted this on a better eating day! lol Feel free to look back a ways. Today was a bit off because it is time to go grocery shopping again! And the butter...guilty as charged! Although that isnt necessarily typical for me. I have been doing more prepackaged crap this week than usual...because there was so much prepackaged crap on sale last week... I LOVE vegetables...everything except brussel sprouts... and honestly I havent tried them in 15 years or so. I use the database to calculate my calories burned...because I am too poor right now to buy a hrm... but soon! I swim A LOT and I weigh almost 300lbs so that is probably why my calorie burn is so high. I dont necessarily trust that so I try to stay well below my calorie goal. I feel great! But I am not necessarily losing as fast as I would like. I started almost a month ago and I have only lost 7lbs. I am shooting for 10-15lbs a month. I definitely struggle with the sodium thing and I dont monitor my water intake regularly, but I really need to start! I know I am not getting enough, I probably average 5-6 cups per day...but I also drink a lot of unsweetened iced tea... anyway--thank you all for the input! keep it coming!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Fat is good if it is keeping you satisfied! If you are not satisfied and not losing, I would suggest cutting carbs and adding A LOT more protein. Carbs spike the blood sugar than make you crash and feel tired, depressed, and hungry. Try watch the movie Fat Head or read the book Wheat Belly if you can, they both explain what carbohydrates do to your blood and how wheat has become a franken food... Are you losing weight?
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    Your diary looks a lot like when I started.

    For one, I have to have a more filling breakfast or I start snacking earlier. The more fiber or protein in breakfast, the better. Egg whites are your friend. I like carbs in the morning as well but I have to be careful about sugar because if I get too much in the morning, it sets the tone for my day.
    The frozen dinners are fine if you like them and use them for convenience, just add fresh fruit or a small salad to round it out and fill you up.
    Make sure your calorie counts are legit and that you are measuring. Before my HRM, my elliptical told me I burn twice as much as what my HRM said. Butter is fine is moderation. Moderation means occassionally. :)
    I would step away from the granola thins and fruit snacks and the other sugary snack packs. They are very easy to grab, don't satisfy your hunger, and only momentarily appease the sweet tooth to only have it come roaring back. Limit yourself to one "treat" a day. I prefer mine at night :)
    Keep at it! It's a process and it takes time. Good luck!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I am no dietician - let's get that out of the way right away. :)

    Also, I did not view your diary since the other comments seemed to be a good summary.

    Here are my thoughts: no pre-packaged foods unless absolutely necessary. I agree you should eat a lot of protein and more vegetables, while consuming fewer sugars and bad carbs.

    I have been told forever to eat breakfast - I never eat breakfast. In fact, I do not eat solid food until around noon each day; just coffee and lots of it. lol When I plateaued recently, I tried to adjust by eating a small, protein filled breakfast every day for a month - I gained 5 pounds during that month (and did not cheat or add calories).

    So, I still do not eat breakfast. I eat high protein, low carb (NO bad carbs), healthy snacks like nuts, and I try to watch my fat intake (but it is higher than my carb intake by a lot). I am nearing my goal weight, but have already lost over 60 pounds, so my loss is going slowly now...but still steadily along. A big thing is watching portion size and spreading my food out over the day. I eat approximately every 2-3 hours and drink LOTS of water.
  • Hellevangelist
    This shouldn't be too brutal...

    1. Minimize the fat (sorry, no more butter).
    2. Half your carbs.
    3. Nearly double your protein.
    4. Cut the sugars as much as possible.
    5. Shift more calories to the morning.

    1. Dietary fat doesn't make you fat
    2. Carbs aren't the enemy (unless she is diabetic, has PCOS or another metabolic condition)
    3. Wow. I agree with this point
    4. Unless #2 is a factor this really won't make a difference in regards to weight loss
    5. Oh yeah.....cause eating at night makes you fat.......um no.

    1. Dietary fat adds needless calories, which can contribute to obesity. Just cut down on the butter, you can still have some, once in awhile.
    2. Depends on the carbs; white processed carbs = enemy (the screw up your blood sugar!), whole grains = best friend (lower blood sugar, have fiber)
    3. Agreed; try adding eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, nuts and beans.
    4. It affects your blood sugar, which has a huge impact on weight loss, even if you don't have metabolic issues.
    5. Um .... yes. Eating at night puts your body in a slump. Eat dinner before 8, maybe a healthy snack (veggies, string cheese) before bed.

    Just try to eat a bigger breakfast (add 1 hard cooked egg and an apple), add more veggies throughout your day (cut up celery with laughing cow cheese or a little peanut butter (protein!) for a snack) and in the evening eat til you're pleasently full and then just have a small snack before bed if you get hungry.

    Good luck honey, you're doing great! :wink:
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    This shouldn't be too brutal...

    1. Minimize the fat (sorry, no more butter).
    2. Half your carbs.
    3. Nearly double your protein.
    4. Cut the sugars as much as possible.
    5. Shift more calories to the morning.

    1. Dietary fat doesn't make you fat
    2. Carbs aren't the enemy (unless she is diabetic, has PCOS or another metabolic condition)
    3. Wow. I agree with this point
    4. Unless #2 is a factor this really won't make a difference in regards to weight loss
    5. Oh yeah.....cause eating at night makes you fat.......um no.

    1. Can I just hug you for saying that? I see so many people going on about the evils of fat, when it reality if they looked at the crap replacing fat in the fat free foods they'd wonder how it even passes as food.
    2. They aren't, but empty carbs (not talking about carbs found in things like fruits, veggies, etc) tend to take up a lot of space in the diet without providing much nutritional value. It won't necessarily have a negative impact on weight loss (unless you're someone that tends to eat more when consuming a bunch of empty carbs), but it's a good thing to watch for overall health.
    3. No complaints here
    4. It won't, but it does cause some people to eat more due to insulin response
    5. It doesn't, but eating in the morning, and more throughout the day, vs starving all day and gorging on way more than you need at night can. If she's just not hungry until later, that's one thing, but a lot of people will consume way more calories if they wait until the evening to eat. It's a good thing to try out, to see if it causes less overall eating.

    ^^ This. I was basically typing up the same thing. :)
    1. Dietary fat doesn't necessarily cause your body to retain fat, but that is a LOT (ex: 3 Tbsps??) and therefore a lot of calories.

    I see a LOT of calories at night....sometimes almost your entire day's worth (after eating all day). That seems like a really large volume of food? It's so difficult to know without knowing other details about you.

    Also, the calories burned per day seem insanely high. Impossibly high? I think you may need to reassess. What type of workouts are you doing that indicate such a high level of calories burned? Are you using a heart rate monitor?

    Eat less, more real food (cut out the packaged crap and stop eating out). Reassess the calories burned.
  • Katalyst77
    Try Smart Balance light butter, shift those saved calories over to more protein distributed more evenly to prevent the hungries. Get five fruits and veggies. Too many potatoes in one serving. 1/2 cup of starch is usually about right for a lady. But if you're an athlete, 1 cup, but that was over a cup of potatoes, which breakdown into sugar fast I believe.

    I looked at that smart balance butter...and I looked at the ingredients and I didnt know what most of them were... so I opted for plain old butter that has two ingredients...cream and salt. I just try to use it in moderation...however as you can see I am not always successful :D You are definitely right about the potatos though... Thank you!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    1) If eating at a defecit and not having any pre-existing metabolic conditions the macros will have no effect on weight loss....Body composition is another story but that's not what was asked.

    2) Please show me 1 study where macronutrients made a difference in weight loss.

    3) Timing of meals has no effect. Amount of calories per day does.

    4) I agree your burns seem ridiculously high. I would reassess.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Limit your sodium intake. You can do that easily by cutting down on packaged foods or other fast-foods, and by eating lots of fresh or frozen veggies and fruits (careful for the canned stuff though as those are also loaded with sodium). Log your water so you're sure you're getting enough each day to flush out any excess sodium. You never want to see the sodium number go into the red, but limiting it too much can be harmful also so don't cut down so much that you go below 1,500 mg.
  • Katalyst77
    How are you calculating your calories burned as it is very high?

    I was wondering that too. Those big numbers can be legitimate for some very large people. But most of the time those are numbers for athletes and people in really super shape. Possible you're using uncalibrated tools like a HRM or double-dipping by counting regular activities as exercise calories. Is that the case?

    I see lots of bread, meat and dairy with little in the way of fresh fruits and veggies. Personally I'd consider gradually trying to reverse that and move your fiber goal to something more like 40g/day or more. But that's not supposed to be a necessity for weight unless, in the process, you end up eliminating foods you are allergic to. It's just better for your body and health- which is probably in large part why you're here.

    Is it possible for people who are not my friends to view my exercise diary and go back and get an average of my food journal? I do weigh 293 lbs. And I swim every other day for about 1-2 hours (and I really do swim that whole time...I use a timer:) I also ride my bike and go for walks and very hilly hikes. I try to make sure that I do some sort of cardio every day... and I dont log things like cleaning or any other everyday activity... I am trying to be an athelete... does that count :D? I am busting my hiney trying to lose this weight. I am not screwing around! I guess that is why I am wondering why I am not losing faster. I do question the calories burned...I just use the exercise tracker on this site, and that is why I always try to stay well under my calorie goal for the day, which is generally pretty easy for me. Sometimes it feels a little too easy.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    What Jacwhite22 said.

    Poor sodium. It gets such a bad rap, and yet it's a very important electrolyte that the body needs to survive, NOT a poison that needs to be eliminated.

    Cutting sodium will not magically make you lose weight. Drinking tons of water will also not make you lose weight.

    Just focus on calories. I have no problem with encouraging you to drink more water and eat less processed foods. And you're on the right track looking at ingredients and going for foods with only a few. But if you're losing weight doing what you're doing now, why change it?
  • Katalyst77
    What Jacwhite22 said.

    Poor sodium. It gets such a bad rap, and yet it's a very important electrolyte that the body needs to survive, NOT a poison that needs to be eliminated.

    Cutting sodium will not magically make you lose weight. Drinking tons of water will also not make you lose weight.

    Just focus on calories. I have no problem with encouraging you to drink more water and eat less processed foods. And you're on the right track looking at ingredients and going for foods with only a few. But if you're losing weight doing what you're doing now, why change it?
    Thank you! I am losing... I guess I am just too impatient and my scale does not drop at the pace that I think it should. Maybe I should chuck the scale? I really do feel good and I have lots of energy and havent struggled too much with keeping my calories under my goal... but I want to lose NOW! :D
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member

    Is it possible for people who are not my friends to view my exercise diary and go back and get an average of my food journal? I do weigh 293 lbs. And I swim every other day for about 1-2 hours (and I really do swim that whole time...I use a timer:) I also ride my bike and go for walks and very hilly hikes. I try to make sure that I do some sort of cardio every day... and I dont log things like cleaning or any other everyday activity... I am trying to be an athelete... does that count :D? I am busting my hiney trying to lose this weight. I am not screwing around! I guess that is why I am wondering why I am not losing faster. I do question the calories burned...I just use the exercise tracker on this site, and that is why I always try to stay well under my calorie goal for the day, which is generally pretty easy for me. Sometimes it feels a little too easy.

    As an example, Monday July 30th - almost 1700 calories burned. Can you share with us what exercise you did, intensity, etc? That could probably assist in analyzing.

    I generally find MFP calorie burns to be higher than my HRM suggests.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    How are you calculating your calories burned as it is very high?

    I was wondering that too. Those big numbers can be legitimate for some very large people. But most of the time those are numbers for athletes and people in really super shape. Possible you're using uncalibrated tools like a HRM or double-dipping by counting regular activities as exercise calories. Is that the case?

    I see lots of bread, meat and dairy with little in the way of fresh fruits and veggies. Personally I'd consider gradually trying to reverse that and move your fiber goal to something more like 40g/day or more. But that's not supposed to be a necessity for weight unless, in the process, you end up eliminating foods you are allergic to. It's just better for your body and health- which is probably in large part why you're here.

    Is it possible for people who are not my friends to view my exercise diary and go back and get an average of my food journal? I do weigh 293 lbs. And I swim every other day for about 1-2 hours (and I really do swim that whole time...I use a timer:) I also ride my bike and go for walks and very hilly hikes. I try to make sure that I do some sort of cardio every day... and I dont log things like cleaning or any other everyday activity... I am trying to be an athelete... does that count :D? I am busting my hiney trying to lose this weight. I am not screwing around! I guess that is why I am wondering why I am not losing faster. I do question the calories burned...I just use the exercise tracker on this site, and that is why I always try to stay well under my calorie goal for the day, which is generally pretty easy for me. Sometimes it feels a little too easy.
    Wow! You go girl! Sounds to me like you're on a roll! Athletes come in all shapes and sizes. It never fails: Every time I run a race, a chubby, middle aged woman helps me set a respectable pace! LOL It sounds like you've got a heck of an athlete inside you. That is sooooo great.

    You've gotten some good advice here. It's up to you to pick and choose what you want to try. I also see that you're disappointed that you're not losing faster but 7 lbs in less than a month, or a whole month, is really awesome. You keep watering that inner athlete and that 7 lbs is going to snowball into a lot of fabulousness!
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    I would say you need more whole unprocessed foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, ancient grains like quinoa and spelt, legumes, avocados, healthy oils like Olive and coconut etc etc. Its OK to eat things out of a box but it should be in moderation. The more whole foods, the better. I am for less than 20% of my diet. The other 80% are organic foods that are grow on a tree or in the ground :) Good luck!

    ^^^ THIS.

    Pre-packaged foods won't do you any favours.
    Takes me 20 minutes to whip up a batch of homemade chocolate muffins. 122 calories each and very filling.

    I would:

    * Decrease butter and switch to ultralite spread if you must have something.
    * Increase your protein - hard boiled eggs, tuna, almond nuts.
    * Personally I LOVE intermittent fasting and only eat between 10:30am (sometimes later) and 6pm each day. This doesn't work for everyone - it might work for you (and many others) but just pointing out that the 'breakfast is essential' myth has been well and truly debunked.
    * Drink water. Or unsweetened iced tea with lemon.
    * I don't eat my exercise calories back (so shoot me now) because I find they are way over-estimated compared to actual burn.

    That's my 2c worth :)

    Best of luck!
  • Katalyst77

    Is it possible for people who are not my friends to view my exercise diary and go back and get an average of my food journal? I do weigh 293 lbs. And I swim every other day for about 1-2 hours (and I really do swim that whole time...I use a timer:) I also ride my bike and go for walks and very hilly hikes. I try to make sure that I do some sort of cardio every day... and I dont log things like cleaning or any other everyday activity... I am trying to be an athelete... does that count :D? I am busting my hiney trying to lose this weight. I am not screwing around! I guess that is why I am wondering why I am not losing faster. I do question the calories burned...I just use the exercise tracker on this site, and that is why I always try to stay well under my calorie goal for the day, which is generally pretty easy for me. Sometimes it feels a little too easy.

    As an example, Monday July 30th - almost 1700 calories burned. Can you share with us what exercise you did, intensity, etc? That could probably assist in analyzing.

    I generally find MFP calorie burns to be higher than my HRM suggests.

    I copy/pasted for you

    Bicycling, 12-14 mph, moderate (cycling, biking, bike riding)

    15 minutes (I dont have a speedometer so I just estimate how fast I am going based on how fast my legs are moving and my experience with my stationary bike...)

    266 calories burned

    Swimming, leisurely, general (I actually am swimming laps back and forth across the swimming area but not freestyle more like a breast stroke)

    60 minutes

    797 calories burned

    Swimming laps, freestyle, light/moderate effort This is the time I spend doing interval-type training. I swim slowly backwards way out beyond the swim area, so I can work different muscles and then when I get far enough away I sprint swim as fast as I can (and I am pretty fast for a fat girl) until I get back to the swim area. I repeat this 3-5 times and this is how I log it.

    15 minutes

    233 calories burned

    Does that make sense? How far off do you think it is?

    Swimming, treading water, moderate effort

    15 minutes

    133 calories burned

    Bicycling, 10-12 mph, light (cycling, biking, bike riding)

    20 minutes

    266 calories burned
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    I've gotta agree that those exercise calorie numbers are highly suspect. I spent 75 minutes at the gym the other night and didn't break 600 calories between running and lifting. Don't believe the ellipticals!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    This shouldn't be too brutal...

    1. Minimize the fat (sorry, no more butter).
    2. Half your carbs.
    3. Nearly double your protein.
    5. Shift SOME calories to the morning.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS and cut sodium and processed foods
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hey, will any of you jump to my thread right below this one? I could really use some help too. THANK YOU!! :-)