
I had purchased p90x last summer and quit before I saw any results. What have been your experience with it and any helpful suggestions before i begin this journey again?


  • robin1963
    robin1963 Posts: 3 Member
    I am going to start Turbo Jam and work my way up.... The key to P90X is stay with the program and schedule in order to get the best results. It sure does take drive
  • You just gotta get in the right mind set. Once you are determined to do it and finish it, you will :) I am starting my 90 days Monday. Join me! And take your measurements before starting, i cannot stress that enough! The scale might not move but I bet the tape will :)
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    I love it, and I'm getting very real results.

    You really need to stick to it though, and keep your nutrition in check too.
    I don't follow the nutrition guide exactly, but try to keep my stats in check on here.

    I might try and follow it a bit more strictly, but it's tough when it's heavily based on US products, and I'm in the UK.

    I know it's a cliche but, forget the rest , and do your best. That's all you can ask for, and if you really do your best, you will definitely see improveements.

    I could barely do a 3 pull-ups when I started I can do about 6 and can continue to do at least a few through each workout, my arms have gotten bigger, and I think I see the beginnings of abs, just need to shift that stubborn bit of belly fat.
  • bsharrah
    bsharrah Posts: 129 Member
    Your results will be determined by your diet. Can't tell you how many times I quit Insanity before learning this. You can do P90x, or any other program, everyday for the rest of your life. If you don't clean up your diet, you will not see enough results to motivate you to continue. On the flip side, you clean up your diet, you should see results that will motivate you to never miss a day.

    By cleaning up your diet, I do not mean you need to eat "clean". Just watch your calorie intake closely, watch your macros, and stay away from the junk, just like Tony says. No soda, candy, chips, NONE, for those 90 days. Remember you don't need to live like that the rest of your life, but commit to making those sacrifices for the 90 days. If you get the results I did, you will end up giving a lot of that up and never miss it.

    Keep pushing play!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm on week 5 and saw results after week 1. I was in decent shape to start but needed a lot of work on my belly and arms. I actually have abs! I have been really strict on my eating... I think that's the key when doing any of the BeachBody workouts. I totally get not having the motivation to finish. Some of those videos get really hard but just do what you can even if the movement is different/wrong. If you have any questions feel free to friend/message me :)
  • jmoralesx5
    jmoralesx5 Posts: 128 Member
    I've tried it multiple times before and got bored with it before the video was even done or I found Tony to be arrogant.

    However, this last time "I" was ready for it. And I'm now on day 81 and with a focus on diet I've lost over 30 lbs. You've gotta want it and you've gotta put in the time! I found a buddy of mine to do it with me on weight lifting days so 3x per week and that helped me stay accountable half way through I didn't need him anymore...I was hooked!