Too little calorie consumption?



  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    i don't have the slightest idea on my body fat.

    but if increase my calories by a lot, i'll literally have to FORCE myself to eat. that's my dilemma .

    why can't you just eat more calorie dense foods? It's really not that hard to eat more calories.

    i suppose because i'm so used to what i've been eating consistently, and actually enjoy it. idk.

    If you're happy with your results and your food and are not hungry, why bother with all the forum voodoo? If you read a book with this time instead or even the web site of a real authority, you will see that what you're doing is in no way dangerous and that eating more would in all likelihood slow your losses, not speed them up (assuming Wisconsin is still a part of the physical world where laws of thermodynamics apply and that your current intake does not include unlogged binges). :wink:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees. And on this forum there are times when you can't hear the voices of reason for all the "noise" that these posts seem to attract. If you truly want to lose weight in a healthy way - begin some research on your own. I suggest that you start here:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    It comes down to this; do you want to lose muscle or fat? If you like your muscles you need to eat enough calories to sustain. Also for those who say listen to your body i will say this... hunger signals can be suppressed. Its why people who are anoerexic dont feel hungry while only eat 500 calories... its also the reason why people on interim fasting are starving the first week but after that can sustain longer periods of time without food. If you want to test this, go 2 weeks with eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. Then go back yo just eating 1 meal with a couple of snacks and see the hunger difference.

    You are confusing CALORIES with PROTEIN!

    I appreciate your concern but i am not confusing anything.

    YEAH YOU ARE Confused!!! Calories alone DO NOT suppress hunger. And for your information...most anorexic people (ie the eating disorder) eat all of the time!

    Go eat a pound of veggies, rice, etc and tell me you arent full. Protein prolongs that effect. Making blanket statements like you are is rather ignorant nor is i actually contributing to this thread. If you cant contribute to this thread then just send me a pm and we can discuss over that.

    Why do people like you feel the need to start name calling when anyone disagrees with you? You are the one who is not contributing much beyond "voodoo" nutrition to this thread.

    Again, i am saying you are making an ignorant (it means uneducated) statement. I am perfectly fine with people disagreeing with me. Otherwise how can i learn. I ask those, since you came after me, that you at least demonstrate you knowledge with resources or studies.

    Also, i also dont say that i know more than nutritionist, doctors or dieticiens but i do have a fairly good track record around here. I have helped hundreds of people with their weight loss and the majority of the time i back my claims with studies. So if you want to call bs, then all i ask is to back it up. Otherwise, its making an ignorant comment.

    If you also go back to my first few people i was trying to help the op, giving him a reference point (about his size) and asking questions.