Exhausted before I even start working out!



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i have a similar day. i work 3-4 days a week, twelve hour shifts, and then i have 3-4 days off. i also alternate between night and day shift, 6a-6p or 6p-6a. i also have an hour or so commute each way.

    on day shift days, i've resigned myself that i can't usually work out on day shift days. it's too early in the morning for a work out, and i usually get home tired and want to spend time with the family. occasionally i can get some cardio in after work, but that is the exception, not the rule. i've turned these day shift days into mandatory rest days to counter my hardcore work out days.

    on night shift days, i find that i can usually work out first thing in the morning, and then pass the eff out afterwards.

    on days off, i wake up almost at the same time as i normally do to sit and watch tv and have breakfast. then i'm out the door by 7:30 to go work out. i actually do two work outs a day on my days off, to make up for my days that i don't work out.

    basically, i found the time to work out, made my schedule work for me, and bust my *kitten* when i can.
  • mainelymama
    I work at 8:30 and have a toddler that I need to pick up after work and then of course he keeps me busy till bedtime and by then I'm ready to hit the hay. I wake up at 6 to work out before work often. However I use my days off as real tough workout days where I can spend a little more time at the gym and be better rested for it.
  • davery1985
    davery1985 Posts: 142 Member
    I normally work out when my daughter goes to bed, but it can be tricky when she has been running around alday and i get tiered. It does make you feel great though when you do manage to get a workout in. I just go out walking with her in the pushchair if i cant get a workout in. I know exactly how you feel as i run an online jewellery shop, and i work at a supermarket over the weekends. Its tough. Just try and get in 3-4 workouts a week and i think you will do really well with your weight loss. Good luck with yor journey xx
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have 3 kids, (2 x 6yrs; 1 x 4)
    My husband works nights I work days, so when I get home he goes to bed. There is no way I could work out after I got them in bed. I am ready to go to bed when they do lol

    I decided to do it in the morning; I get up at 5am and usually start my workout at around 5:15 (Pending how long it takes me to argue with myself about getting up).
    I don't do insanity, I do a mixture of Jullian Michaels DVDs, right now the Extreme Shed & shred which is a little more then 60 with warm-up/cool down.

    Its going to completely depend on your schedule, the kids schedules and what you're willing to do. When my Daughter (4) was 2, there is no way I could have gotten up at 5am, she had night terrors almost every night and no one slept for almost a year.

    But remember if this is something you want for you, it's okay to make time and the kids (with repetition) will begin to respect that and prob pick up your healthy habit.

    Good luck in your journey! Feel free to add me if you want parent support lol
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I would go with what some of the others have said and leave your workouts to your days off.
    You could workout for a little longer perhaps, just make these workouts count.
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    Thanks again everyone. Given me lots to think about.

    I think I'm extra exhausted at the minute as for the last six months I've been working 4 long days with 4-5 nights. Literally driving from one job to another. So I've probably catching up on that too.

    Will try an early morning work out. Need to squeeze it in at home really as my partner literally works every hour I don't at the minute :(

    Perhaps need to up my calories too. I've been trying to do high protein but I need some carbs after and before insanity
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Insanity isn't really a beginners program. It's an advanced program. I'd find something else, set aside the DVDs and come back to them later, when you're ready.
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    Haven't been filling my diary in properly. Shame on me, I know. Will stick to it seriously and then open it up. Thank you

    I feel better generally on a high protein diet (paleo) but I am now have oatmeal with skimmed milk for breakfast and trying to have a slice of soya and linseed bread will cottage cheese shortly before insanity.

    I feel quite shaky and headache after insanity do usually need to have a little something else (usually a good carb)to stop this.

    Oatmeal skimmed milk for breakfast
    Lunch is usually fish with a green veg
    Evening meal is fish or chicken breast with green veg and occasionally squash or sweet pot

    Often have the odd piece of wafer thin ham for a snack
  • abi113
    abi113 Posts: 12
    From sept to Jan I was working out 3 x a week with a personal trainer so my fitness isn't horrendous but yes perhaps it is too tough
  • dragonc321
    I did a month of Insanity and it was brutal. I am a single mom who works 40 hours a week. Last thing I wanted to do was an hour workout at 9pm after a full day. I recommend the 30 day shred. It still gets me in a good workout every day (or as many times as I can get to it during the week) and is only 30 minutes. The days I don't feel like doing that I pop my daugher in the stroller and take a long walk. I focus mainly on diet. High protein low calories. Gives me all the energy I need to make it through the day and the workouts :) Good luck to you!
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I usually get my workouts in the evening. I too have a busy schedule (4 kids - 3 still at home, full-time job, volunteer work). My husband is gracious enough to cook dinner for us so I get a 30-45 minute workout then and yes I'm tired before I start but once I've commited to it, I feel energized after I'm done. Chin up... you'll get it worked out; just don't give up.
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    Sleep is extremely important to your overall health and for weight loss. (I just wanted to put in the disclaimer... lol)... but

    I feel that way all the time. There are days I want to just curl up in a ball after work and sleep. I feel this was especially if I haven't worked out in a while. I know its hard to get the kick start but once you start your workout that day, you will forget how exhausted you are and will just be focusing on the task at hand. From what I hear, Insanity is REALLY fast so you may not have time to think about anything else. LOL. Also, in the long run, you will notice that you have more energy if you work out. You don't feel as drowsy and your body will only become tired when it needs rest, not when its bored.

    Insanity might be too much to chew if you are just starting out. I would try some of Jillian Michaels videos. They are relatively cheep and usually under 30 min per workout. I know some people think she is annoying, but I find her super motivating. They might help get you into a rhythm of working out without taking up too much of your time.

    Also, whats helped me if working out before work. That way I only have to take 1 shower (which will also save you time).

    Heres a tip: Regardless of how tired you are, when you get home, put on your workout clothes and pop in a DVD. If you get 5 mins in and still feel like you dont have the energy to do it. then you can stop. 99% of the time, you will just do the video since you are already there!

    Good luck! And feel free to add me if you need some support! :)