over 500 days doing this and just found the boards....

Hi, my name is Jannel, I'm originally from NY and moved to Indiana 1.5yrs ago. I just turned 30 a few weeks ago and have been using myfitnesspal on my iphone for 515 days as of today. I don't get on the computer much and never took the time to look over the site until my friend who recently started using this told me about the boards. I've lost over 30 pounds and seem to be stuck at 160-165 lbs, my goal is 150. The closer I got the the goal the harder it's been for me to keep this up. I'm scared and looking for a bit more of a support network. My boyfriend is great but He lets me cheat a bit too much. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


  • investinyou
    investinyou Posts: 1 Member
    No such thing as cheating here, jannel, what we're doing is changing our life style and creating new habits. Here's something to try...if I eat more calories than you should off-set it with exercise. 30 lbs is an amazing achievement, congrats to you:) Good luck to you!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    This is almost unbelievable. Welcome to the boards. I'll add you for support. I totally share your feelings about SO. They let you slip a little bit too easily sometimes.
    I hope you reach your goal :)
  • CaoimheN
    CaoimheN Posts: 16
    Welcome! I use on my iPhone too, but log in for the encouragement!
    Congratualations on your progress & keep it up.. You'll get there :)
  • Better to find it at some point then not at all:).... Maybe you need to change up your workout routine a little.... !
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    We all need encouragement and motivation! I have only been on here for about 3 weeks and have already lost 6lbs because I feel like I'm letting my MFP pals down if I slip up :) Let's be friends! hahaha
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Way to go girl. Your doing great. You can do anything you put your mind too so keep it up. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile: