


  • jealous_loser
    I just finished Week 7 last night. I have been following the program, haven't had to repeat anything yet. I am enjoying it (almost).

    My advice is unless you CAN'T finish the set you are on, keep motoring through. I kept thinking "there's no way I can do __ min in a row" and I keep proving myself wrong. 25 min straight last night. Not even my best because I was super sore from tabata class last night.
  • jfoster85
    jfoster85 Posts: 90 Member
    Stick with it! I just finished Week 8 and I'm running my first official 5K tomorrow morning!
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    I've just done week 1 day 2 last night - I'm also a bit surprised that I wasn't dead by the end! I'm going to do every third day rather than 3 x a week though as that means I get time to mix it up with swimming and other stuff. I have seen a few people say they've repeated a week but managed it after. So glad I started though, I've always wanted to be able to run! :)
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 270 Member
    I finished it a few weeks ago, after having done nothing which could be described as running for about 30 years. Now running 5k 2 or 3 times a week. Week 1 the requirements for week 9 seem impossible but stick with it and it happens.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I am 43 years old and August 21st of last year I started C25K. I did my first 5k on Oct 30, 2011.
    Since then I have done...

    5 mile cross country runs,countless 5k's, couple of 5 milers, several 10k's, THREE half marathons, trail runs, Warrior Dash and I am now training for my first marathon relay, my 4th half marathon and FULL marathon on Oct 7th! This doesn't even cover what I am PLANNING!

    I never thought in a million years that 1 yr ago while I was huffing and puffing thinking I was literally going to die, that one year later I'd be running 30 miles a week WITHOUT a giant creature (ie a big grizzly bear) or person with a weapon chasing me!!!

    Be sure to follow the program like it is written so you don't hurt yourself!! And get FITTED FOR RUNNING SHOES!!

    Push past pain and discomfort and you can accomplish ANYTHING !!!!

    :) Dawn
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I just finished week 6. I haven't died yet and I am NOT a runner!
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    today is my day 2 of week 2. so far, so good. :)
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    I started C25K this week and just did my last workout of the week so Week 1, Day 3 down.... Today seemed easier!!! I am going to try to run in a 5k in September.. :) This is my 1st time doing C25K.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I finished the program back in late April, and was running about 2 miles in 30 minutes (very SLOW runner, haha). I kinda fell off the running wagon for a month or two afterwards, due to the intense heat we were getting here in MD, but now I'm back at it on the treadmill and fell back into my old swing pretty easily. Push yourself and finish the program, even if your jog is as slow as your power walk (which mine was for the longest time). Take it at a pace you can handle, make sure you are wearing good shoes (get fitted if you need to!) and persevere! You can do it :)
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    Finished Day 2 of Week 1 last night. It's not horrible I guess, but very difficult for me. I don't get the people who say running and exercise feel amazing. I think they may be insane.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    LOVE this program! I started it about 2.5 months ago and now I consistently run 3 miles 3 times per week after a lifetime of not running at all! Ran my first 5K last weekend and have another one scheduled for Sept 8th. Hoping to run a 10K next spring!
  • jrs5444
    jrs5444 Posts: 86
    I started, did two and a half weeks, went on vacation and never recovered =P Started back on it yesterday though. I love it! But I'm like most other people, I just have to make myself get up to do it. If I don't get out the door by 6:30ish it's too hot here...it usually 80 by then anyway. And I'm not "allowed" to run at night because I'm a girl...lol.
  • jmo325
    jmo325 Posts: 57
    I'm in week 9! I can see the light!

    It was a great program and I plan on using the 5 to 10k app as well.

    However, for me, the scale stopped moving 9 weeks ago to feed my developing muscles - but i've definitely seen change in my body, just not in the number!

    Good luck!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I am loving C25K!! IT's helped me learn how to breath right and pace myself (I used to run and not warm up, push too hard, etc) I just finished week 3 and I can't wait to start week 4.
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    I just finished Week 7 last night. I have been following the program, haven't had to repeat anything yet. I am enjoying it (almost).

    My advice is unless you CAN'T finish the set you are on, keep motoring through. I kept thinking "there's no way I can do __ min in a row" and I keep proving myself wrong. 25 min straight last night. Not even my best because I was super sore from tabata class last night.

    I feel the same way. I feel a lot of it is mental. I finished week 7 after a week off of family in town. I pushed myself through the 25 minutes.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I started, did two and a half weeks, went on vacation and never recovered =P Started back on it yesterday though. I love it! But I'm like most other people, I just have to make myself get up to do it. If I don't get out the door by 6:30ish it's too hot here...it usually 80 by then anyway. And I'm not "allowed" to run at night because I'm a girl...lol.

    BAH HUMBUG! Running at night is the best- and just carry a stick ;) lol
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Hmm ... if I can recall I questioned why on earth anyone would would run for fun about 3-4 weeks into the program ... also due to the soreness and pain accompanied with such a crazy thing. It was SO much more comfortable on the couch with my beer and pizza rolls ...

    About week 5-6 I recall driving home from work having this really strange feeling ... as if ... well ... I almost "wanted" to go run ... na ... must be some bad coffee I had ...

    About 7-9 weeks discovered that I really didn't like running when I was about 1.5 miles in, but the excitement before the run, and the feeling of accomplishment "after" was pretty fun!

    My first 5k was scary as heck ... dressed in tennis shoes, cotton shorts/shirt feeling like a goofball ... but there was something ... cool ... about being there!

    After the race ... after my crazy slow pace? ... how did I feel?

    Hooked! =) ...

    There are times now (couple years later) that I don't feel like going as much, but more often than not I am loving it ... not always that first couple miles ... but overall it's now a hobby.

    I'm leaving for a 6 day vacation ... what is the first thing I pack? My running gear ... why? Cause I'm a runner! :)

    I wish you the best ... and if you stick with it, there is nothing quite as crazy fun as being a runner.

    My August goal is 100 miles ... can't wait for fall! =)

  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    it was one the the greatest program, me thinks.... I wish i knew about it sooner...
    However, its not necessary to start from day 1 week 1. You can start from week 2 or 3 where ever you are too comfortable.
    This will definitely build endurance...
    Good luck :D, you can only move forward from here...
  • ribye
    ribye Posts: 59 Member
    I finished it about 3 weeks ago, and worked for me although I run slower than the time they thought I should for a 5k for me more like 40 minutes for the 5k but I can run now for 40 minutes so thats a big improvement over where I was a few months ago and knees feel fine and the first 20 minutes kind of fly by
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    And by all means if you are looking for running friends on here add me if you're interested ... my profile is open ... also I'm on (and recommend) a place to track your runs ... I use runkeeper and highly recommend it ... great website (and app if you have a smartphone) ...
