Hello everyone!

Hi everyone! I was on sparkpeople but I have decided to give MFP a try. :) I started on my weightloss journey at May of this year. I am a new mother so I wanted to wait until my daughter started sleeping through the night so I would have the max amount of energy to get up at 5 am and go to the gym before work. I started with a little cardio and added in some weights and I started to eat much healthier.

I realized that after I was pregnant and everything I went through during my pregnancy that I needed to be a healthier person, not only for my daughter and my family but for myself. When I was 8 weeks pregnant I was diagnosed with high blood pressure that was so high they immediately placed me on medication. At 22 weeks I was also diagnosed with gestional diabetes. I know part of the factor is due to genetics but I can't help but think that if I would have been healthier I wouldn't have been on bed rest for 5 weeks before I gave birth.

My goal is to get back to being in shape like I used to be. I can already feel a huge difference as far as my energy goes and I can walk up stairs and go shopping without running out of breath. When I tried to go shopping for some new clothes after I had my daughter I was so out of shape that I would have to sit down at every bench I would pass at the mall. Now I can speedwalk through the mall no problem. :) So far I have lost 14 lbs and I still have more to go but as long as I am healthy the number on the scale is really just a number to me. My profile picture is a picture of my progress so far. :)


  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    Congrats on the new baby and the weight loss!