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Nervous about pregnancy weight gain

I'm hoping to find someone (anyone?) on here that might be in the same boat as me.

I've been married for almost two years, and inevitably, its time to start thinking about having kids. My husband wanted to start trying awhile ago, but I've pushed off. I've been on this weight loss journey (successfully) for 6 months now, and I still have a ways to go. My husband has been VERY supportive through all of it, and has agreed to wait another year until we start trying for kids. He's 30 now, and I'll be 30 later this month.

Anyway, the part that makes me anxious is that I've put in ALL THIS EFFORT towards weight loss and getting my body where I want to be. So far, I've been successful, and I feel good and confident about myself. I am VERY concerned that once I get pregnant, staying as active as I've been will not be possible, and I will gain weight. Not just the typical 'baby weight' you gain, but beyond that. Additionally, after having the baby, I'm concerned I will be so time-crunched that I will not have the time to hit the gym as much or be as dedicated as I've been.

So I need your support here. Are any of you moms of young kids (infants, toddlers) and have been able to make it work between raising a kid, hitting the gym, and eating right? Was the baby weight gain all that bad? How active can I stay while pregnant?

Anyone else here without kids have the same concerns as I do?


  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    honestly...your welcome to check out my pics I was a svelte 153lbs and right when i got pregnant i was 163 and i was in great shape.When i got pregnant i was very concious about what i ate and i kept my weight down but I didnt work out bc i was so afraid of miscarrying (again).I gained 62lbs and now im 37 away from my pp weight.I had a friend who swam every day during her pregnancy and shes back to her pp weight now.My daughter is amazing but I carve out time for the gym just to have me time,and yes sometimes i feel selfish but i do need that time.My hubby bought me a gym membership with unlimited daycare for mothers day and I try to utilize it often.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I DO!
    Oh my. I feel so silly saying this but I am terrified of getting pregnant....I want to have children one day, but I have worked SO hard to get this body and I would just feel like it was for nothing? I know that is so vain. I know I will try my hardest to only gain the reccomended amt. of weight ( I believe it is 25 pounds) when I get pregnant and keep excersising, which will obviously help.

    I have even heard that excersising while pregnant makes birthing easier.
  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    I DO!
    Oh my. I feel so silly saying this but I am terrified of getting pregnant....I want to have children one day, but I have worked SO hard to get this body and I would just feel like it was for nothing? I know that is so vain. I know I will try my hardest to only gain the reccomended amt. of weight ( I believe it is 25 pounds) when I get pregnant and keep excersising, which will obviously help.

    I have even heard that excersising while pregnant makes birthing easier.

    All that is true..exercise makes birth easier but I sacrificed my need for a perfect body for a perfect baby and while i complain about my fat self If i had to gain 100lbs for my baby i would in a heartbeat :)
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    I lost 90 pounds in 2002, dropping from about 240 to 150 pounds. Christmas 2003 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I kept up my healthy eating habits (in slighter larger quantities and some cheats around) throughout the pregnancy. I stayed active, walking, elliptical, low impact stuff for the first 4 months. Only reason I stopped that early is because of a problem with fluid retention in my surgically repaired knee. I ended up gaining exactly the recommended 25 pounds by maintaining my healthy lifestyle even while pregnant.

    When I left the hospital, I was already within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight and 2 months later I was back to where i started, at 150. I've stayed active now for years. My daughter turns 8 in a few weeks, and now I'm also a competitive fitness athlete as well.

    The keys for me were making the changes that were initially for weightloss into lifestyle changes. Also, it's important to MAKE the time to get workouts in. I get so frustrated with people that say they don't have time to workout. I get up at 4:30AM to hit the gym every day because I know that is the only time I can get it in. Does it suck? Yes. Is it what I need to do to take care of myself and stay healthy? Absolutely. Have I dealt with those feelings of feeling selfish? Yes. However, I would much rather take that time and be a happier and healthier mommy to my daughter any day.
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    I understand! I've been working really hard to tone up and maximize fat loss before starting IVF (I am a surrogate). I am worried not only about the weight gain from pregnancy, but also about any weight gain from the meds I have to take prior to the transfer. My own kids are 8 and 20, so I haven't been pregnant in quite a while - plus I'm older now and I have hypothyroidism (which i didn't have during my previous pregnancies).

    I think I'll be okay as long as I keep tracking my food and stay in a healthy calorie range, as well as keeping active. The baby is worth it!
  • wabecca
    wabecca Posts: 19 Member
    It is absolutely possible to stay active while you are pregna, nt! If your body is used to exercising everyday, then you SHOULD still do it while pregnant, just listen to your body, if you need to cut back, do a lower intensity workout. After you have the baby, BREASTFEED! It helps the extra weight come off so much easier! I get to eat 500 extra calories a day and am losing weight easily!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    My humble opinion...

    Put weight loss out of mind during this time. The health of your child for his entire LIFE will depend on your actions during pregnancy. There are a host of problems that can occur with eating too little during pregnancy ranging from minor to major such as not being born with a spine or brain! (Get that folic acid!)

    The health of your child is WORTH shelving weight loss goals for 9 months.

    Of course... this doesn't mean I recommend devouring bags of Doritos and Bon Bons!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I lost 90 pounds in 2002, dropping from about 240 to 150 pounds. Christmas 2003 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I kept up my healthy eating habits (in slighter larger quantities and some cheats around) throughout the pregnancy. I stayed active, walking, elliptical, low impact stuff for the first 4 months. Only reason I stopped that early is because of a problem with fluid retention in my surgically repaired knee. I ended up gaining exactly the recommended 25 pounds by maintaining my healthy lifestyle even while pregnant.

    When I left the hospital, I was already within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight and 2 months later I was back to where i started, at 150. I've stayed active now for years. My daughter turns 8 in a few weeks, and now I'm also a competitive fitness athlete as well.

    The keys for me were making the changes that were initially for weightloss into lifestyle changes. Also, it's important to MAKE the time to get workouts in. I get so frustrated with people that say they don't have time to workout. I get up at 4:30AM to hit the gym every day because I know that is the only time I can get it in. Does it suck? Yes. Is it what I need to do to take care of myself and stay healthy? Absolutely. Have I dealt with those feelings of feeling selfish? Yes. However, I would much rather take that time and be a happier and healthier mommy to my daughter any day.

    I can only hope for this :)
  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    After you have the baby, BREASTFEED! It helps the extra weight come off so much easier! I get to eat 500 extra calories a day and am losing weight easily!

    Not true for everyone..i bf and its like my body hangs on to this weight like its cool :huh:
  • eileenmcq
    eileenmcq Posts: 2 Member
    My doctor told me that gaining up to 40 pounds was ok, but anything over 25 pounds would stick. He was right. I gained 35 pounds during pregnancy and had to work at losing the 10 pounds that stayed on after pregnancy. Breastfeeding is a great help for losing the baby weight.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    After 3 kids in 4 years --- here's the deal...you will gain weight when you're pregnant, but it can all come back off (they say it takes 10 months to put it on so it can take that long to get it back off.) There's no certain amount, some gain more than others and it will vary from one pregnancy to the next (I gained more with my girl than my boys, go figure). You don't need to diet while you're pregnant, but you can eat responsibly and still exercise the entire time. Afterward, breastfeeding REALLY helps with the weight loss (exclusively breastfeeding an infant can give you 300-500 extra calories a day on your food tracker). Your lifestyle will change, but you can still make time to work out, etc. Just remember the first few months after having a baby can be chaotic till they start sleeping a little better. You can also find "walking carrying baby" and "walking, pushing stroller" in the exercise tracker. Trust me, the carrying baby thing is an exercise you will be doing a lot of! Check out the groups on here for pregnant moms and new moms!Having kids is wonderful and fulfilling. Your body will be different, things won't quite be like they were before.....and you'll love every single part of it!!!!!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    As long as you are eating healthy, don't worry about the weight gain. If you are concerned, track but your body will do what it wants.

    I was going to keep exercising and eat healthy. However, both times I was put on bed rest for several months and was sick unless I was eating the whole 9m. I lost weight in the first trimester. Once I started gaining weight, I gained 2-4 pounds a week. With my first, I tracked and ate 1600-2000 Cal/ day. With my second, I didn't track and ate horrible. I gained about 50 lbs with both and I had no weight gain until week 20 (1) and 16(2).

    It was much easier losing it the first time but I don't know if that is because of my eating or because I only had one kid.

    The best advice I was given is that as long as you make it a priority and you put the effort in, the weight will come off.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I don't have time to reply right now but I will in about an hour. Definitely want to share my story and give you some hope!
  • ladyphoebe
    ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
    The best advice I can give, after just having my second baby 8 weeks ago, is don't use being pregnant as an excuse to sit around and eat. I believe that "pregnancy cravings" are mostly a mental thing because people will always ask you if your craving weird foods. And you can exercise. I made sure to walk everyday and I continued doing Zumba. I just made it lower impact as I got farther along. I only gained 20lbs with this baby and was back at my prepreganacy weight within 2 weeks. I hope thats helpful.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I definitley understand! I had my son back in April 2010 and weighed the most ever, 286-266lbs. I am now down to 180lbs with about 30 more to go. Me and my fiance want to have another child but I am terrified of gaining all the weight back!! I know now though that being active and eating healthy during pregnancy is a MUST. I was such a couch potato my last pregnancy and ate whatever I wanted but I know next time will be different.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm almost 17 weeks along. I've gained 4 lbs in that time. As long as you're doing what you can to stay active, and eat healthy, weight gain should be minimal :)

    you're producing your own HCG. Take advantage of it!
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    I am in the same boat as you! I just turned 31, hubby is 30. I was actually never even 100% sure that I wanted kids until this last year, then WHOA, hormones kicked in and I desperately want babies LOL! Damn biological clock. I want to wait at least a year before trying though so I can get to my goal weight first. It's the main thing motivating me to lose now, actually. I just want to feel fit and healthy first (being a healthy weight reduces risks of complications too) and I don't want pregnancy weight gain to be a devastating thing, I want it to be a happy time :) The thought at my highest weight (267) was "omg, if I got pregnant now, I'd end up 300+ lbs". Scary thought!

    Other than my weight, I feel SO ready. We've been married 2 years, together for 6. We are in the process of buying a house right now though and I'm finishing up a degree, will be done in May next year, so hopefully I will have hit my goals around that time. SO looking forward to it!

    I do think it's possible to stay active while pregnant though, and especially to eat healthy. Good luck!!
  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    Yes absolutely! I'll add you. I'd love to talk about this more. It really worries me.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    My humble opinion...

    Put weight loss out of mind during this time. The health of your child for his entire LIFE will depend on your actions during pregnancy. There are a host of problems that can occur with eating too little during pregnancy ranging from minor to major such as not being born with a spine or brain! (Get that folic acid!)

    The health of your child is WORTH shelving weight loss goals for 9 months.

    Of course... this doesn't mean I recommend devouring bags of Doritos and Bon Bons!

    ^^THIS. Eat healthily, move, and you will be fine. For me, it was the toddler years that put on the weight, not the pregnancy. I didn't have/make time to exercise, I didn't eat well, and I did not get enough sleep, all of which put on weight.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I think EVERY woman is afraid of getting fat after pregnancy. Its enivitable and completely normal. I'm a "skinny girl" and I'm sooo scared of getting too fat after my pregnancy. I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant. I watch my weight gain like a hawk.... yet I realize that I can't restrict my intake too much during pregnancy. All you can do is make sure you stay active and eat healthy during pregnancy, AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Don't diet.

    Then, work like HELL when you are done breast feeding. Get dad involved ;)