
I'm relatively new here--been logging my food on and off for almost a year now, but haven't really been involved in the online community. I'm 26 and have been married for 3 years and, like many of us, have noticed the numbers on the scale creeping steadily higher since college. I have always been one of those people who others say doesn't look my weight (I don't know-maybe I have more muscle or something) but I have finally reached a point where I know I can do better.

I was a runner in high school and have jogged on and off since then. I am currently on week 3 of the insanity program and am hoping to jump start things a little with that. I'm looking forward to making some new friends (special shout out to anyone in the Twin Cities area!) and getting some motivation and tips from some people who have been there before :)


  • lidiflyful
    I've only been here for 3 days but I've been food logging on other sites for as long as I can remember and bnever get involved in the community. I am hoping to get some inspiration from fellow ''Slimmers'' (for lack of a better word) and basically people in the same boat.

    It sounds like you may be one of those people!

    Good luck!!
