HOW TO lose inches

What exercises do I do to lose inches off my sides? I am at a healthy weight so that is not the problem. I just want to know how to lose a few inches off my sides, maybe 2 inches?


  • BUMP
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    For losing inches, it's tough to beat Food Pushaways.
  • What is that?
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    my guess is that you push the food away instead of eat it.
    you could try toning your obliques
  • I'm not over eating so that reply was rude. I'm asking for honest advice here. I just had a baby recently and have some extra skin in areas from my csection surgery. I've lost all my baby weight plus some on top of it. What are obliqueS and how do i tone them? Could u explain? I like to think I eat pretty clean.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Geez, it's a joke. An exercise where you push away food to avoid eating it? The implication being that you need to eat less to lose fat? I guess it's not as funny when you have to explain it.

    Point is, if you want to lose inches on your waist your only real option is to lose the fat that resides there. This is assuming it's fat you're complaining about and not internal organs. Those should be removed by at least a semi-professional.

    So basically, a calorie deficit via diet and/or exercise. That's your answer.

    Answers regarding isolation exercises of the muscles in that region are not really that helpful. If you work a muscle it will remain the same size or grow larger, depending on the exercise performed and the performer's diet and such. If you worked a muscle and it got smaller, all bodybuilders would be stick figures.

    So again, you want a calorie deficit via diet and/or exercise until you lose the fat that you desire.

    If you don't want to lose any weight, it's sort of counter-intuitive. Fat has a weight, therefore if you want it gone you will drop weight. The only way to avoid this is to spend some months eating at a calorie surplus and doing some heavy strength training. In 6-12 months you can put on 5-10lbs of muscle, and then try cutting fat again. Your eventual lower body fat will probably put you at your original weight but with less fat and more muscle. Following some IF protocols may be useful if you don't want to do the bulk/cut routine and just want to maintain your diet but put on a little muscle and lose a little fat.
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    I think that the Jillian Michaels programs are great for loosing just a few inches here and there. you may want to try one of those and they are pretty cheap, under 10 bucks. Good luck.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    What exercises do I do to lose inches off my sides? I am at a healthy weight so that is not the problem. I just want to know how to lose a few inches off my sides, maybe 2 inches?
    food pushaways is accurate as there is no such thing as an exercise that loses inches. losing inches is a byproduct of diet. eat less than your body uses, and you loss size and weight.

    That said, if you want the inches you lose to mostly be from fat and not lean mass, make sure you do HEAVY strength training as part of your routine.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    From what you are describing it does not sound like you will be able to do a whole lot other than wait. You said you had a baby by c-section recently so it is going to take some time for your skin to tighten back up. It will, especially if you are at a healthy weight. Ab work is also going to help strengthening that area. Pilates are great for that.
  • Afterblue
    Afterblue Posts: 78 Member
    I am of "normal" weight now, and I still have inches to lose. So I consider myself to be of "healthy weight" but with some fat loss to go before I reach the proportions I want.

    Core work is great. It helps ensure your posture is right and will develop ab strength, especially the obliques. I am a big proponent of weight training to firm up the body. Adding it has made a big difference to my proportions, especially in the mid-section.

    Keep up the cardio if you are doing any. For me the mid section was an area of visceral fat and steady cardio helped inch loss too. Good luck!

    Oh and dry brushing. A lot of people will dismiss this as nonsense, but it worked for me and no harm trying it to see if it works for you.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I think that the Jillian Michaels programs are great for loosing just a few inches here and there. you may want to try one of those and they are pretty cheap, under 10 bucks. Good luck.
    I agree - I'm currently doing her 30 Day Shred workout and I lost 2 inches off my waist in the first 20 days. I plan to do her Ripped in 30 workout after I'm done this one (with a little break in between). I'm really seeing results.

    Edit to add: 2 inches in 20 days might be a lot to expect if you don't have nearly as much to lose as I do though.
  • kscouten
    kscouten Posts: 40 Member
    I think that the Jillian Michaels programs are great for loosing just a few inches here and there. you may want to try one of those and they are pretty cheap, under 10 bucks. Good luck.

    I agree! Search some of the other forums for 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels and look at the results. You may lose a couple lbs but it will also help get you toned.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    as a long shot, you might try skin brushing once your incision has healed. sells skin brushes and instructions. I also agree with the weight lifting, but get clearance from you OB first...
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Dancing, jumping rope, lots of cardio! I mean lots, don't forget to eat clean too!
  • Taahira11
    Taahira11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey girlie ! the best answer I can offer is to work your TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS It's the muscle that wraps from the sides of our waist and on to our lower back ......look up exercises for that that muscle is like having your own little built in girdle once you tighten it!!! ...IT WILL HELP TAKE CARE OF THAT :) hope that helps
  • tessavonhagen
    tessavonhagen Posts: 94 Member
    I am of "normal" weight now, and I still have inches to lose. So I consider myself to be of "healthy weight" but with some fat loss to go before I reach the proportions I want.

    Core work is great. It helps ensure your posture is right and will develop ab strength, especially the obliques. I am a big proponent of weight training to firm up the body. Adding it has made a big difference to my proportions, especially in the mid-section.

    Keep up the cardio if you are doing any. For me the mid section was an area of visceral fat and steady cardio helped inch loss too. Good luck!

    Oh and dry brushing. A lot of people will dismiss this as nonsense, but it worked for me and no harm trying it to see if it works for you.

    what is dry brushing?
  • Please try this, as I think it might be the easiest thing you ever tried. These are ballerina type exercises, and not hard. Stand with feet apart or together, arms raised up straight, in a DOOR FRAME. With both arms still up, reach with your left hand for the RIGHT upper corner of the door frame, and alternate with your right hand reaching for the upper left door frame. That is one side whittler. Another? Back away from the door frame and grab a towel. Twist the towel until taught, and hold one end in each hand, holding the towel overhead. You have made a cup for visual image, right? Okay, tilt the cup, bending at the waist, left, back up, forward, back up, right, back up. Repeat a good while. You WILL feel these exercises, and then you will believe me that they are working on your waist. Let me know how it goes, dear.
  • Hoopdancing. You can get a a hoop from

    Butt Bible. You can find it on

    Jillian Michael's Kettlebell workout is pretty good as well.

    Tae Bo is amazing at blasting calories and inches too.
  • Mayela05
    Mayela05 Posts: 31
    As a fellow mom, and friends of many women who are moms too the only thing that has worked for them has been toning try that hope it helps!! And after you give birth your body just isn't the same sadly! But you can do it! It's just working out and making that tummy tighter :)