Please, somebody tell me this is all worth it!



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Are you the lady that wrote that long letter to your mother regarding your weight loss issues and posted it on here asking if you should send it?

    Anyways....what do you care what they think? You're doing this for you. Sounds like you have a lot of pent up frustrated emotions regarding your weight. Seek counseling.

    Ya, I just looked at her past posts and read that letter.

    I mean this in the best possible way, but OP I do think maybe you should seek some counseling. As the above poster said, you seem to have a lot of issues and emotions about your weight. Wish you the best!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Are you the lady that wrote that long letter to your mother regarding your weight loss issues and posted it on here asking if you should send it?

    Anyways....what do you care what they think? You're doing this for you. Sounds like you have a lot of pent up frustrated emotions regarding your weight. Seek counseling.

    Someone needs some sensitivity training... Way to be completely unsupportive and sarcastic.

    If you saw the post I'm referring to you'd understand. Some people need emotional counseling to deal with their food issues. There is absolutely no shame in seeking help for your overall well-being!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    First of all a HUGE Congratulations on losing 69 pounds. That is no small job. YOU did all that by meds , no medical issue. Take the credit for all that hard work . I can relate to your post because i have lost 29lb in the last 2 months and i am totally surprised that most people havent said a word to me about it. Im not looking for their approval because what they think of me means nothing to me. Just surprised that its not noticable.

    You have to think about why you decided to get healthy....and not to be noticed. I wouldnt let it keep taking up space in your thoughts. It sucked , it happened and let it go. YOU are AWESOME losing 69 pounds already and please dont give up due to insensitve people.. Just keep on your journey and dont worry about what others are thinking of you.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Thank you so much for your encouragement and wise advice! Everyone hasa bad day once in a was my turn today..thanks for listening and understanding! All the best for your progress!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement! You helped make a bad day turn around ...everyone needs that now and then. You blessed me today! Thanks again and all the best for a happy, healthy weekend for you!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Thank you so much for helping me turn my frown upside down! A few rough moments shouldn't spoil 200 + good days I've had this year! Thank you so much for the 'boost'...and, if you ever need one, just holler!
  • sandygaylegunn
    sandygaylegunn Posts: 87 Member
    Wow, congrats on the big 69 pound weight loss! I know it is tough. I have a lifetime of being too thin skinned. Now i try hard to remind myself that "What they say or think is NONE of my business." This helps me a lot, so I thought i'd share it in case it might help you too.

    "If you're tired of starting over, STOP GIVING UP!" I saw this on a Pal's post and it made so much sense. Giving up has been too easy in the past. Now I am accountable to my pal's on this site.

    Yes, the health benefits are certainly worth it for me. I need to remind myself of that too. The weight loss is going to be great also, but I have a long way to go.:drinker: :love: I am going to invite you to be a friend. xoxoxo
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hi . I had a very difficult experience today. As you know I've been working at eating healthy and exercising for 7 months now, with a loss of 69 pounds. It took me a long time to actually start to feel a bit proud of my accomplishments.I am very private, but can accept a compliment.

    Today, 'Carla' came to see me at work. While 'Carla' was there.. Kendra arrived. Kendra has had a real problem with her thyroid over the last year or so and gained a considerable amount of weight . Over the past few months, drs. have resolved her issue with meds, and as a result she has lost a large amount of weight quickly... and, effortlessly.

    Carla was very surprised to see Kendra looking so well, HUGGED her and gushed on and on about how much weight Kendra lost... while I stood there.. meanwhile.. Carla has NEVER noticed that I have worked very, very hard to lose 69 pounds. Carla and Kendra continued to talk and I was left out of the conversation entirely.. as if, somehow I don't even understand what it's like to lose weight.

    Why oh why am I not worth a compliment?? I was wearing nice, flattering clothes (but I will admit they didn't show off my body as much as Kendra's did hers. What really bugs me is that Kendra admitted she didn't have to do a thing to lose the weight.. man, and here I am working away every single day and no one says a word. I know that being healthier is really just for me.. but admit it, if it happened to you, you'd want to explode a little too... gah!!

    So glad I have a place like this to let it out. So, my options now are: do something to drop weight more rapidly in hopes that someone will soon say something... give up because it's never going to work anyways, and not matter what I do no one will ever recognize my efforts, compliment, or encourage me..or, just press on and please myself.. I know the answer.. but I admit, I do need some encouragment today.

    Why so obsessed with the compliments? It's all about you. Not about everybody else. We have a Kendra and Carla in my dept. I can't say I'm either. We both work our *kitten* off to get where we are at. I don't beg for compliments. I get them whenever and enjoy them when I get them. Sometimes, people don't want to compliment you because they have to admit to themselves that that have failed.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    Congrats on you weight loss. You are just having a bad day. Keep in mind, you are doing this journey for you and no one else. Yes you worked hard to weigh less, but you are getting your blood moving, increasing your chances for a healthy heart, getting out of the diabetic range. There are a host of positives to what you are doing. Keep up the good work and keep pushing on. You know who you are and what you are doing. You dont need the compliments of others you see yourself everyday and you see how you look in your clothes.:flowerforyou:
  • Keep it up you're doing great! Besides...I honestly thing that 69 lbs anyone WILL notice, but people don't really think that much about what they say or not say. Don't take it to heart! Besides, I'm sure you have felt great because you are working out! That makes you stronger and happier overall! Just let the mirror compliment you! You are a great inspiration and ALL OF US have days where we think it's not worth it, but there are good days too. I use to think why don't I have the money to get lipo, or breast implants, or to get those body sculpting massages celebrities get? But at the end of the day the feeling of being fit and healthy because you are making a personal effort is soooo rewarding. Keep it up!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I don't know if this helps or not, but often when you see someone every day who is losing weight it can be kind of hard to bring up. If you see someone that has lost a lot of weight since you last saw them it can be kind of easier since you're supposed to talk about things that have changed. I've noticed several people who lost weight around me where I wasn't sure if I should mention it. Sometimes it can be a touchy subject. For example I lost a lot of weight in high school due to depression. For me it wasn't really a compliment to hear my health was being affected.

    I don't know a lot about your situation, if you've talked about it with these people or not. I'm sure they are happy for you though. If you brought it up yourself maybe they would know you are comfortable talking about it and compliment you.

    And of course, great job on all your hard work! :D
  • 69lb! I can't wait to get there myself!

    Next time you are in that sort of situation and need a pick me up, just remember that you earned each and every pound lost, and it takes so much from yourself to do that.. Look around you, if it were easy, everyone would be at the ideal weight. Also keep in mind that the life changes you make to get you where you want are improving your over all health.

    A pill, or any quick-fix can never give you that.
  • You've said what I sometimes feel.
  • nene01pop
    nene01pop Posts: 80 Member
    Omgosh.... I have lost 60lbs in a course of 16 mths with lap band and help with mFP.. talk about frustrating and you did it in what 7 mths. my hubby just realized a week ago sunday how much weight I really had lost... I posted pictures of myself in my exercise chambers... he FINALLY noticed... I have been mad at him for months and he had NO CLUE.... anyways, You got to know everyday you wake up that you are DOING THIS FOR YOU... if not, and youre doing it for the so called women in the office to notice, then I would seek counseling.... don't stress it...
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    Congratulations on your 69lbs of weight loss.

    Keep up the good work.

    Do your weight loss for yourself not anyone else. It was and sometimes still is hard for me to keep that in mind. But I know I want to be healthier.

    Friend me if you would like more support. We all can use all the support we can. :)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm sorry you feel badly! First, I wouldn't assume that the weight comes off easily when the thyroid is managed. There are many here who would disagree, and I vehemently disagree.

    True True True. I get my proper dose and still struggle with the symptoms of being hypo every day. And the weight loss isn't a cake walk either!

    I go through what you go through. I was so large when I started (269 pounds) and I'm still large (222). The people who know me now have never seen me below about 200. I imagine that when I get there, people will have eureka moments at my weight loss. If they don't, oh well. They don't right now- but I notice the difference. That's what counts.
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    I have been in the exact same place as you! It took one of my friends who IS supportive to make me realize that I am making a LIFE change...not just a weight change. Surround yourself with people who will support you and walk with you through this weight loss, healthy life change. And 69 pounds???? I think that is awesome! Your post is motivating me to keep on going!!! Keep up the great work!
  • eowyn61
    eowyn61 Posts: 3
    I don't know the people you do, so I'm going to address a few items here. They're all true, but may not all be applicable.

    This is not a race. Everyone's situation is different. We all got where we are by our own paths. Each situation has its own root cause, and each of us needs to address our own.

    That being said, who are you doing this for? If it's not for yourself, you need to find a way to make it so. Your success is not dependent on others. If it is, when others change, so will your level of success. Take ownership of your goals, your success and your own positive feelings!!

    The person who gave the positive feedback has a different perspective on their people. Everyone lives in a different environment than you. They do not see the world or others as you do. So.... it may be that this person is more sensitive to medical situation... or maybe they have some jealousy, even on a small level, of you.... or perhaps in their perspective you are not as "needy" as this other person... from your own description of yourself, this does sound very plausible.

    The point is, do this for yourself. You are worth it. Your health is worth it. I, as an outsider and a beginner am very encouraged by your success. And if you're like me, and need to be accountable to someone besides yourself, then find someone... either a partner that will hold you as accountable as they expect you to hold them, a Doctor (that's how I got on track), a pedometer... whatever you need. And be accountable for YOUR actions. YOUR situation is different. And I am VERY proud of you.

    Keep on keepin' on!!!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    It could be two things;

    Co-workers can suck. Leave people out on purpose and be very cliquish. Who cares about them? Move on and don't let them bother you and don't let them know they made you feel left out.

    You are very sensitive and reading more into it than what happened.

    Either or....toughen've lost almost 70 pounds. You know that's great and you don't need anyone at work to give you permission to feel great about it.weight loss
  • eowyn61
    eowyn61 Posts: 3
    Right? 69 pounds... I'm at 15 pounds and still struggling. What's worth keeping is what you work for, right?