When is a good time to "treat yourself"???

I am new at this.. I've never had, or wanted, to diet. Now, almost 2 years after having a baby, and 50 pounds heavier, I think it's time. I have been eating SUPER healthy this week (still my first week of diet), and am wondering when I could "treat myself" with something not so healthy!! Like a trip to my favorite frozen yogurt place! I just don't want to mess anything up, but I seriously want something sweet!!


  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I treat myself when I have lost a certain amount of weight. Maybe some ice cream if I lose 10 lb and a new dress if you lose 30 lbs.
  • kattipoo93
    In my opinion they aren't so much treats. I make room for everything in my diet. If I have the extra calories, then I'll eat something sweet. Simple as that. Moderation is the key. :)
  • sweiland1
    sweiland1 Posts: 183 Member
    I go almost every week, if it fits into my calories.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    First, you shouldn't think of it as a "diet". Make healthy lifestyle changes you can live with long term.

    Second, I always have one or two days off from counting calories and worrying about eating only healthy foods. It hasn't stopped me from losing weight. it helped me to not feel like I was depriving myself. And, over time I've found that I want the unhealthy foods less and less.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Sometimes on Saturdays or Sundays I let myself have a cheat day. I still log everything though. If you wanna go to the frozen yogurt place (which in Gadsden, isn't called Yogurt Time or something?), you can search the food database here for Yogurt Mountain. They're in the database and I'm sure the calories are similar. You can still log it, and maybe try and stay within your calories, but it's like a special treat! You can work out extra on those days, and you will have even more calories to play with. :drinker:
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    That depends.

    For some, a "treat" opens the floodgates and sends them into a spiral of unhealthy choices.

    Some people can do it weekly, or even daily, and control their portions and stay within macros.

    Just be honest with yourself, and remember that you don't have to use food as a reward. Even Pavlov would agree.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Just make certain it fits into your calories.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    i have a small "treat" each day about 200 cals or under :) i've lost 31 lbs, it keeps me on track, and i never feel deprived. every couple weeks, i go out for a meal, get frozen yogurt, etc. it's a lifestyle change, not a diet!
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    Hmm, why are you not including things you like in your normal diet? I don't mean eating something that completely just wrong, like a whole pizza or a pint of ice cream, but those things, in moderation, should be in your normal diet; otherwise, you are on a "diet" (which you seem to think you are) instead of changing your eating habits for good (which should be your goal.)

    I don't believe in "treats" or "cheats", but that is just me; however, if you look at my diary (I am pretty sure you can) you will see that I eat just about what I want. I keep my calories below my daily goal and I do this still eating popcorn (almost daily), ice cream sandwiches (occasionally), etc.

    No matter what you do, please don't treat yourself like you are on a diet.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I don't have cheat meals, I have treat meals :) I try to be good all week as much as I can, and if I can make room for a treat in my day then I will do so. If I know something is incoming, like a birthday dinner or a holiday meal? I will work more at the gym and not eat as much during the week so I can indulge a little and not feel too badly.

    I don't fret over my goal....I have read and heard that since so much of the cals are estimated, I should not fuss at 100 cals +/- my goal. so if I go over a little it isn't the end of the world. And if I go over more than that then I workout a little harder the next few days.

    I am not going to sit back and be that person that says "No Im on a diet I can't touch anything but rice cakes and tofu and salads." If I see something I can have a bite or a serving...this is a lifestyle change! I'm going to live my life and be happy! If I want that piece of cake then so be it...I wil just work it into my cals that day OR do longer workouts at the gym tomorrow. Either way... I don't deny myself.

    My saying no to myself leads to binging, and binging leads to weight gain, and weight gain leads to unhappy sad Shai, which leads to more saying no that leads to binging.....etc etc etc.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    That depends.

    For some, a "treat" opens the floodgates and sends them into a spiral of unhealthy choices.

    Some people can do it weekly, or even daily, and control their portions and stay within macros.

    Just be honest with yourself, and remember that you don't have to use food as a reward. Even Pavlov would agree.

    Food doesn't have to be a reward, but treats aren't necessarily rewards. Sometimes it's just eating a little bit of a food (that you wouldn't eat on an average day) that you enjoy, without any emotions involved.
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    I try to make sure I have something good to look forward to daily that fits within my calorie goals... it makes it easier to say "no" to temptations along the way! I also don't count on Sundays (and make sure to keep tabs in my head that I'm still being moderate and not just pigging out), and I let myself go over without too much worry every once in a while too. =)

    The key is to try to plan for everything! Eventually I want to wean myself off the counter, once I've met my goal and have been able to maintain for a while. For me this is a lifestyle change... I want to be able to love the food I eat and I want to splurge every once in a while. I want to be active daily and I want to do something intense, like a long hike) every once in a while. So everything stays balanced. =)
  • taratam83
    taratam83 Posts: 88 Member
    If it fits into your calories and fat intake and its not going to eliminate a meal you actually need then I would go for it. I'm doing this slow (part of the eat more weigh less group) and have lost 30 lbs in 6 months. I have thyroid disease which makes every pound a battle BUT I'm averaging 5 lbs off per month. You've got to live otherwise it becomes impossible to commit. My take on frozen yogurt -- its yogurt! Sure, its dairy, its frozen, its sweet... well, it saves you from getting a huge milkshake and about 750 calories at some other place! I usually get the 80 calorie, no fat, no sugar variety. I don't feel guilty about spending time with my family doing this either. I just don't do this *every* day.
  • stephyj528
    stephyj528 Posts: 93 Member
    First, you shouldn't think of it as a "diet". Make healthy lifestyle changes you can live with long term.

    Second, I always have one or two days off from counting calories and worrying about eating only healthy foods. It hasn't stopped me from losing weight. it helped me to not feel like I was depriving myself. And, over time I've found that I want the unhealthy foods less and less.

    ^YES TOTALLY AGREE. and yes dont deprive yourself or youll binge more.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    My first month here i designated a cheat day where if I was craving something unhealthy all week i would save it for sunday and eat it then if I still wanted it. It worked at keeping me on track and I managed to lose a good 8-10lbs that first month. Now I just work it into my diet and daily calories and make sure that its on a day that I'm exercising. Do what works for you.
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    You should be able to treat yourself every day if you budget your calories accordingly.

    I find it easier to treat myself best on gym days (MWF) when I burn and earn around 900 calories of extra food. I have been getting a Tim Horton's Ice Cappuccino which is about 310 calories.

    Someone else noted that this isn't a diet... it's a lifestyle. I lost about 20lbs using this site last fall. I found I was able to steadily keep meeting my goals without losing out on social events or eating out or having treats. You can too. Good luck!
  • haleydself
    Thank you :) That's what I was hoping for... I am usually like 200 calories under my limit every day anyway... I guess I can eat something unhealthy every once in a while, and it wont mess me up!
  • OAvalos
    OAvalos Posts: 39 Member
    Don't "treat" yourself, you're not a dog... Just make sure a little something fits into your calorie allowance for the day... even if its everyday :)

    welcome to your new lifestyle !
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    when you are ready to burn it off the next day
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    For me I try to eat as healthy as I can during the week, but Sundays are my 'cheat days'. Every Sunday I try to eat one or more things that I've been wanting to eat for a long time, for example: ice cream, chips, a full bowl of cereal. And in those days I normally go over quite a bit on my calories but I still exercise and I lose weight. Maybe not as fast but I'm fine with that.

    Upon saying this, every person is different, so just find what suits you best!