
Hi, my name is Kimeka I'm 21 and 5'11 I actually joined MFP in October 2011 I believe. At that point I had lost about 10lbs on my own and found MFP, fell in love and managed to lose roughly 15lbs with the help of MFP. Then Christmas came...with everything going on with the holidays I couldn't find time to exercise, I kept procrastinating making excuses and basically I stopped exercising. And did I mention I started eating more? Needless to say I watched myself gain all my weight back. In June (2012) I went to the doctor to start birth control, I stepped on the scale and was mortified at what I read. I weighed 211lbs. My previous highest weight was 203lbs (Dec. 2010). Not only had I gained all the weight back, I gained an additional 8lbs!

I've since become dedicated to exercising and losing the weight, I've lost 11lbs so far. However, now I've got a new problem...My birth control causes depression. I can't tell if I'm coming or going, I can literally smile and laugh & then 5 minutes later be in tears. It's gotten to the point that sometimes I literally wish I'd die and I can't even explain all the mix of emotions in between. Anyway, I'm going to the doctor to switch or come off of my birth control and in the meantime, I've been doing some writing, it actually acts as an escape for me and I feel much happier. I've decided to start a fitness blog, as I really enjoy getting healthy and I really just want to...write.

I'm looking forward to losing the weight, and to start writing and hopefully this time I can stick with it and share my weight loss success with the rest of the MFP community.