Newbie :-)

Hi everyone! I'm Angela and I'm 31 years old, married with 6 kids - 2 step and 4 of my own. I'm trying to lose weight after having babies #3 and #4 close together - Baby #3 was 4 months old when i got pregnant with baby #4. I've pretty much ate whatever I wanted for the past 2 years, not worrying about weight. I am usually so sick during my pregnancies that I have trouble gaining weight. Now that baby #4 is 3 months old, I'm trying to lose 40 lbs, which would put me at my ideal weight for height.

I've actually gained 10 lbs since having my last baby because I'm battling post-partum depression and go to food for comfort. I'm struggling to stay motivated. I started the couch potato to 5K running program a couple weeks ago but started over today, after not running for nearly two weeks.

I'm hoping this website can help me stay motivated, focused and in control!
