Can weight be lost without excerise? Help Im stuck!

When I was at my heaviest, 267lbs, (and deciding that it was time to get rid of my ex) I went down to 210 pounds but I worked out all the time. Then I got comfy and stopped working out and got back up to 230...At this point i realized that it was time to do something. So I joined MfP and have gone down to 215 (I started Oct 2nd) Now though the scale doesnt seem to be moving....Is it because my body needs me to work out or is it possible im slipping on calorie counting?

Also I just got a new position at work! woohoo :flowerforyou: But when I started Mfp i put that i was slightly active as in standing most the time..Now im going to be sitting most of the day. Would you recommend changing that on my goals?

Also I weighed when I got a new scale it said 215. Then the next day it said 212. So i adjusted my weight on my gaol page to go from 215 to 212 and it went from 1370 to 1350 calories....
Today (which is why im posting this question) I weighed 215 and i adjusted the calories again and went from 1350 back to 1370....Is it not a good idea to do this?
I noticed that if i dont input my weight on my goal page even though it updates it and has the right weight i have to go refresh for the calories to adjust.

Any help appreciated. :glasses:


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    It changes the calories automatically do adjust to your new weight. As you weigh less, you need to eat less calories to lose weight.
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    I think yes, you can lose weight without exercise. But, it will be harder to get off and longer. Also, your changing fat to muscle. Muscle burns calories more than fat. Therefor, if you build muscle you will be losing more calories even at your seditary job.

    When I was just sitting down with my trainer, hadn't worked out, just talking, I looked at the heart monitor. I lost 45 calories just sitting there for 10-20 minutes. I have very little muscle, and actually my BMI is 29 percent. I was in shock and told my trainer, "Omg, I just lost 45 calrories in 20 minutes not doing anything but talking!!!" His response, "Yep, and once you stary working out and get muscle you will burn double that just sitting there talking."

    Makes sense? I'm not the best at explaining things.
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight without working out but if you're really heavy as I was your skin will be very loose and hangy. So far my skin isn't like that and I'm guessing it's because I'm exercising my muscles along the way. Just my thoughts on it.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. It is hard. I rue that due to deteriorating ankle joints, I am unable to really exercise. I put in zero for exercise and follow the calories it gives me to eat. The first 10 lbs were easy--now I struggle. I wish I could just take a good long walk--but the pain of bone hitting bone just isn't worth it. I do some exercises sitting and laying--but not often enough really.

    Good luck! :smile: :wink: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    Don't be discouraged by the scale staying still for a while. I have weighed myself almost daily for the past 9 months and it's amazing how the body works. Often my weight stays the same for 10days, then suddenly drops without anything changing. Also, you definitely can lose weight without exercise, but exercise is good for you :wink: