Sister Wives, anyone else fascinated?



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yipes. I'm glad I wasn't born in China. Imagine 50 husbands to 1 wife - worse yet - 2 Wives with 100 husbands! Aagh. Terrifying.

    Nope. I'll stick to the one man/one woman scenario. It's easier to get in a fight for the remote if it's just the two of us. Now, the key part is finding him. Sigh. Well, not going to go there - I'm going to focus on exercise!
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    Yipes. I'm glad I wasn't born in China. Imagine 50 husbands to 1 wife - worse yet - 2 Wives with 100 husbands! Aagh. Terrifying.

    Nope. I'll stick to the one man/one woman scenario. It's easier to get in a fight for the remote if it's just the two of us. Now, the key part is finding him. Sigh. Well, not going to go there - I'm going to focus on exercise!

    I prefer the one man... and a second man... model myself. I know the self-appointed morality police take issue with that but they can go suck a... chicken sandwich. LOL
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    I would be all for it if I could share the wives too! Why should hubby have all the fun?
    ^^This would be awesome!
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Not into it. I wouldn't be able to share my husband with other women.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I would be all for it if I could share the wives too! Why should hubby have all the fun?
    ^^This would be awesome!
    ... I have a proposition for you ...

    That is, we could, like, make bible themed sock puppets.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I love that show! I can see where that lifestyle could be beneficial for a family, but harder on the women.

    I have a similar (but not as extreme) set up at my own house. I have a roommate that pays equal rent that we pay. She contributes to the food and utility costs on halves, even though there's three of us. In exchange, I keep the house spotless and cook dinner for everyone, wash the laundry, etc. We have two boys, and sometimes if my husband and myself want to hang out alone, she watches them for us.

    She also will cook for my husband if I am not home and sometimes do light cleaning like dishes. She's an excellent go-between when the kids frustrate me, because they connect with her really well. It's like a sleep-over almost every night. I find our arrangement very mutually beneficial. I handle her finances as well as my own, and she has saved $1000 over a few months because of it. We all go on outings together and have fun.

    Just so ya know, I don't share my private time with my husband. That's not part of the deal. But in these hard times, it's been wonderful to have such a rewarding arrangement where I can focus on school instead of working and still afford to live.
  • KStambulic
    KStambulic Posts: 131

    I prefer the one man... and a second man... model myself. I know the self-appointed morality police take issue with that but they can go suck a... chicken sandwich. LOL

    My son would agree with this. I'm just glad that we live in a country where it is legal for him to marry a man.

    As to polygamy, I'm against it because I've seen what it does to some of the kids in that situation. I used to live in a area where there was a community of polygamists, the Blackmores, who used to trade their women and children with their sister community in the US. They were married off young and it was common to see a family of "wives" aging from barely an adult to one in her late 40s shopping at the local stores. Winston Blackmore, the head of the family, frequently had work done at my place of employment. I know of at least 2 kids who escaped from that community because they did not want to be married off to some older person. That's just my opinion, but I had to see it every week for almost 20 years and I'm glad the courts finally charged them.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Speaking of the multiple partner situation...this is a weird thought (don't know if anyone is a science fiction geek here), let's say Mankind discovers a planet that's hospitable to human life, although it's about a 500 year ride in a space ship to get there. Now, would it be better to have more men than women or more women than men? An equal number of women and men? Remember, you've got 500 years worth of family growth going on AND you have to have a decent genetic mix.

    Silly me...the geek has come out of hiding!

    P.S. I think we all agree that youngsters are too young to make those sorts of agreements and that's not acceptable to any of us. Ok. Back to the silliness.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Speaking of the multiple partner situation...this is a weird thought (don't know if anyone is a science fiction geek here), let's say Mankind discovers a planet that's hospitable to human life, although it's about a 500 year ride in a space ship to get there. Now, would it be better to have more men than women or more women than men? An equal number of women and men? Remember, you've got 500 years worth of family growth going on AND you have to have a decent genetic mix.

    Silly me...the geek has come out of hiding!

    P.S. I think we all agree that youngsters are too young to make those sorts of agreements and that's not acceptable to any of us. Ok. Back to the silliness.

    I think it'd be better to have more women than men to populate. It takes roughly 10 months from zygote to birth, but a man can produce viable sperm almost immediately (or up to three days) after depositing. Unfortunately, you'd have to be careful about inbreeding to a certain extent, but I think more women for reproductive purposes would be more efficient.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    When where there be a show about Brother Husbands....I'd totally watch that!!!!

    NEXT TIME ON HUSBROS: MAN CAVE MADNESS! [cut to scene of bored-looking dudes drinking beer in recliners and muttering sporadically about sports]
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Good point! I suspect the more women and less men would be better. Besides, if you had more men and fewer women I'd be worried about a cultural change where women become more like sex objects. Hmm.

    In reference to Caveman madness - Yipes...I just realized what you'd posted. You're right - we'd be bored silly. I hadn't thought of that as a problem. Grin.
  • iammegs
    iammegs Posts: 38 Member
    Regardless of marital status I think that Cody guy is really odd. He loooooves the attention from the media. I watched the episode when he visited some old friends and they made comments about him being an attention *kitten* in school lol.
    Now he's the center of attention for four women, about 20 kids, and a ton of TLC viewers. His life is complete! lol

    Guess that answers the question running through my mind. It works when the guy is too needy for just one woman. ;) Can't imagine myself being in a relationship like that, but then, I also can't see myself wanting to be in a family with that many kids.

    On the bright side, women who choose plural marriages leave more men for the rest of us to sort through. ;)
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    It is sorta interesting that the multiple wives and one husband topic seems to appear in many cultures but you don't see one wife with multiple husbands. I'm not sure a guy could handle the jealousy of having to share a woman with that many other guys.

    It's called Polyandry and you're right it isn't common but it does exist.
  • hvnlysrph
    hvnlysrph Posts: 1 Member
    Little late in the game but.... if the other wife did all the cooking and cleaning.. I'm game!