? for women, what birth control wont make me gain weight



  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Haha, definitely not depo provera.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    I think ill try nuva ring again (I have a hard time remembering to take pills) and the moment I start gaining weight that suckers coming out and hubby will be stuck with condoms haha

    you could try seasonique too. no period for 3 months!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Omg...I have been on almost every birth control because of the nasty side effects.

    I have used the pills - forgot them/got acne
    patch - acne/i found it untrustworthy
    depo - TERRIBLE! I gained 40 lbs in 9 months on this...along with a TON of side effects (constant bleeding, 0 sex drive)
    COPPER iud - AMAZING! though it hurt like hell getting it put in...I don't feel it, my "system" is normal, 0 side effects because it has no hormones, and i am able to lose all my depo weight now! :D

    I looked into the hormonal IUD...and it reminded me a lot of the depo. I read reviews on it and noticed a lot of people had similar experiences as I had with the depo...so I went the "natural" route.

    Good luck.
    Ill look into the cooper IUD, maybe that wont have so many issues as the other IUDs
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I had the mirena and put on 20 pounds in the first 4 weeks or so..and I don't think that is a coincidence. Not to mention the constant bloating and water weight. And even on a strict diet and rigorous exercise I could NOT lose a single pound. Had it removed and the weight is falling off. But I have heard that the copper IUD does not have and side effects because it is not hormone based. It depends on the woman I suppose. Hormones make me crazy so I am back to the basics..condoms. Hope that helps.
    thats my other consern, my hormones make me nuts sometimes and i really dont want to feel more crazy because of BC

    Yea I would go from happy to crazy in 3.5 seconds over absolutely nothing! The day it came out..I was back to my normal self. And I was not a college kid going away from home for the first time..so my weight gain is not correlated to anything like that. Within a week of having my Mirena removed I dropped 10 pounds alone. Hormones effect everyone differently. With Mirena they tell you it is such a low dose that it doesn't leave the uterus area, but when my hormones were tested after removal..they were so out of whack I needed hormone therapy. It also depleted my sex drive. And I fought with hair loss.

    The way it was explained to me was that mirena convinces your body to act pregnant so that you do not ovulate and have a period. All the wight I gained was in my abdomen, hips, and thighs and I looked pregnant. But like I said..it effects everyone differently.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    lo lolestrin.. it is not testosterone based so it does not cause the cravings..

    Ps.. birth control doesn't really "cause" any one to gain weight. It's just that most research is done on that, I'm leaving home and going away to college age group, and they gain weight. So it's been correlated. ;)

    And I can get you.. lo lolestrin.. not effecting my sex drive at all.
    i know for a fact it messis with weight, I work with aduld women with developmental disabilities, and one used to be obese, she was on a very healthy diet and lost some weight, but stayed at about 220 for years, then the Dr. took her off her BC and she dropped 40lbs in like 2 months.
  • Kori18
    Kori18 Posts: 48
    Love mine, lots of spotting, but besides that no side effects.

    Also, it lasts for three years.

    Highly recommend it.
  • MadiRose2
    MadiRose2 Posts: 145
    I'm on femcon Fe, and I have had no weight gain, or even water weight gain.

    I was also on Seasonique, and same as Femcon Fe, No weight gain, or water weight gain.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lo lolestrin.. it is not testosterone based so it does not cause the cravings..

    Ps.. birth control doesn't really "cause" any one to gain weight. It's just that most research is done on that, I'm leaving home and going away to college age group, and they gain weight. So it's been correlated. ;)

    And I can get you.. lo lolestrin.. not effecting my sex drive at all.
    yeah, none of my hormonal birth control experiences have been "correlated" with college and partying.
    yeah, that may be a factor, but no, it doesn't explain everything.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm on Levelen and find it pretty difficult to lose weight on it. I still lose but it is slower. When I get my period I lose more than I would any other week..
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    Im on the Yasmin pill. I actually lost weight when I first went on it (it was a few years ago, before I actually started trying to lose weight, but I was bigger than I am now), not gained, so that was wonderful.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    lo lolestrin.. it is not testosterone based so it does not cause the cravings..

    Ps.. birth control doesn't really "cause" any one to gain weight. It's just that most research is done on that, I'm leaving home and going away to college age group, and they gain weight. So it's been correlated. ;)

    And I can get you.. lo lolestrin.. not effecting my sex drive at all.
    i know for a fact it messis with weight, I work with aduld women with developmental disabilities, and one used to be obese, she was on a very healthy diet and lost some weight, but stayed at about 220 for years, then the Dr. took her off her BC and she dropped 40lbs in like 2 months.

    That doesn't mean anything.

    Most people who have developmental disabilities(like Down Syndrome) are more prone to being overweight anyway.

    Plus just because she was eating a healthy diet, doesn't mean jack. If she wasn't exercising or she was eating too much some days(as they tend to do when not watched) then she could have maintained weight.

    Correlation doesn't equal causation.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Over the course I've my weight loss, I've been on a few different pills and the Nuvaring. None of these have hindered my weight loss.

    I asked my doctor about it and she said the reason most women gain on birth control is because it causes cravings, especially for carbs. If you maintain a calorie deficit on your preferred birth control method, you shouldn't run into any issues.
  • lilgemforgets
    i have a mirena and i didn't gain anything.

    i LOVE not having a period.
    Same for me - no period and no bloating!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Of course, I'm nearly 41 with 5 kids, but everything hormonal screwed me up. Weight & libido! So, my tubal and my husband's vasectomy have been PERFECT in relationship to those two issues!
  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    Love the Nuva Ring!!!
  • saramariebabyy

    depo - TERRIBLE! I gained 40 lbs in 9 months on this...along with a TON of side effects (constant bleeding, 0 sex drive)
    COPPER iud - AMAZING! though it hurt like hell getting it put in...I don't feel it, my "system" is normal, 0 side effects because it has no hormones, and i am able to lose all my depo weight now! :D

    I had the same problem with the Depo shot. i gained close to 40lbs in the same time frame - 9months. and it was SUPER hard to get most of it back off. thats the heaviest i have ever been in my entire life. I dont recommend it to anyone. :(
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    Abstinence, Mirena, or make him get the strings cut.
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    I'm on Dianette (UK) have been since about November last year when I put all my weight on. Trying to lose seems more difficult now than 2 years ago when I wasnt on anything.

    I chose Dianette as I get horrible acne and its cleared that up. I've had a Mirena which didnt cause too many problems then had a break from anything until the Dianette.
  • CassieLOL
    CassieLOL Posts: 34 Member
    I've been on Loestrin 24Fe for about 3 years and I've never had any problems with extreme weight gain nor do I have any problems losing weight either! Seems to work pretty well (:
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    Loestrin 24 Fe! I've been on it for 8 years (holy moly, didn't realize it had been that long) and no weight gain from the pill. My period lasts a DAY and the cramps are minimal!

    i want