Sprained ankle... What should I do for excercises?

So I sprained my ankle out on a run in the local forest on Wednesday. I have been trapped in my house since I cant drive with an injured right foot, and walking is still very difficult, even with a brace. I have basically played couch potato with an ice pack for the last 3 days and I've watched the Olympics. (I wish we could exercise vicariously!) But I am dying to be out and active. What kinda of exercises can I do???

The ankle is sprained in like 3 or 4 spots... it is on the inside under the ankle bone and a bit behind it, across the front where ones ankle bends, on the front outside in front of the ankle bone, behind the rounded ankle bone and slightly under it on the outside. Oh, and I think i may have either dislocated one of the outside metatarsals, or at least sprained its connection to the rest of the tarsals. (on the top about halfway down my foot.)

Please help, Im going nutty from being trapped.


  • try doing crunches during commercial breaks! it'll be easy to lower yourself down from the couch & because the commercials are far apart, you won't even feel like you're doing as many as you are!
  • Edwiner
    Edwiner Posts: 17
    Hi there, you may not like what I have to say but sadly I speak from experience. I broke my ankle playing rugby and suffered badly from it. Sadly sometimes a sprain can be worse than a broken or fractured bone however the recovery time is usually around 6 weeks. If you start exercising your body will take its focus off the healing aspect of your ankle to continue repairing the rest of your exercised body, thus making your ankles recovery time longer. The best advice I can give you sadly is to rest it for a minimum of 2 weeks then begin to do light movements to get the blood flowing, by light movements I mean simple foot movements of up and down, only after around 4 weeks you should be able to walk lightly on it and 6 weeks you should begin rehabilitation of the ligaments so that they can gain full movements before you decide to go out and have another run.
    Otherwise you should consult yur doc if it progresses worse. I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery.
  • shakeitoffbxch
    shakeitoffbxch Posts: 25 Member
    thanks for the help, both of you. @Edwiner, you're definitely right. lack of blood vessels makes for a longer heal time for ligaments and tendons. This is like the 5th? time spraining my right ankle since 2007. and I sprained my left one 3 times. plus some other minor ones. you would think after being such a pro at spraining them, i would be better at caring for them.

    unfortunately, my boss forced me to work an 8 hour waitressing shift on saturday night, as not a single person could cover since they were all pulling doubles. and we cant screw someone on their wedding reception. now time for some serious ankle rehab. ibuprofen, ice, and rest, along with a spider cast. anything else i need?

    thanks to the both of you!