Do I eat the calories, or not?

I've been doing lots of reading about eating back exercise calories versus not eating exercise calories and I can't seem to find a definitive answer. I'm on 1300 calories a day (MFP says 1200, but my BMR is 1300, so that's what I've set my calories at) and my activity level is sedentary.

I just did a body combat class at the gym, and my HRM says that I burnt 547 calories. This agrees with the online calculator I used to compare. Do I eat the 500 calories or not?

I haven't opened my diary yet for people to look at because I've only been here 5 days, so there's not much to look at. I like to eat, but I also want to lose 1.5-2 pounds per week.

Thoughts, please? I'm getting confused with the whole eat/don't eat debate. Thanks!


  • squires03071986
    squires03071986 Posts: 48 Member
    I try not to. I work out my meals roughly a week in advance. To lose 1lb a week means a deficit of 3500 calories a week. I used to eat 2000 calories a day and have cut back to 1600. Using this 400 less a day plus some exercise ones I should lose 1lb a week. If I earn 300+ exercise calories I day I would not eat 300 extra a day.

    If I have a special occasion then I do use my exercise calories e.g. if I am going out for a meal. I would suggest try different things for a couple of weeks, in the start I was eating all my exercise calories and not losing weight, I have cut that back now and the weight has started to come off. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other :-)