Hate people who call me fat.

kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I just have to vent a bit..........I hate when someone calls me fat...........It pisses me off. I have lost over 40 pounds, work out 5 days a week. I am also almost 40 years old so loosing weight is not as easy as it was. I went from a size 20 to a size 14 and now i'm in medium shirts. I went from being obese to just overweight.

I know so many skinny people who are not as fit as me. I know these people are ignorant but it still hurts my feelings.


  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    There will always be inconsiderate jerks in the world... The mature thing to advise, I suppose, would be to ignore the ignorant comments - you know you've done awesome and are continuing to do so, after all... The immature (and yet oh so satisfying, I'd imagine) thing to advise would be to pinpoint the weak spot on the commenting person, and poke at it (everyone's got some weak spot about themselves they don't like, after all)... That last part was a suggestion I'd read on another forum, where a member had been venting about the cruel remarks her friend had received about her hair because she was in the process of doing some recovery work on it and bringing it back to healthy shape, to include re-growing hair on a balding spot (It's a hair care forum)...
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Seriously??? Someone called you fat? What is WRONG with people! If the person doing that is someone close to you, you need to find a way to not be around them, or very much limit how much you interact with them. If it's someone random, then try to remind yourself that they obviously have issues. Not that it makes you feel better...

    Damn! They called you fat?!?!?! That just BURNS me!!!! :mad: :explode:

    Just for the record, I DREAM of being a size 14. So, you're kinda like a hero to me! I'm proud of you!
  • slcobb001
    slcobb001 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't give them that much power... Live your life and enjoy today.. I'm not obese but I'm also overweight... Two weeks ago I found out I have cancer... Cure rate zero.. It has caused me to look at life, friends and people in general a completely different way. Remember: God didn't promise us tomorrow, his gift is today.. go do something with it.. enjoy your weight loss... You worked hard for it... It is a gift you gave yourself...
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Your so sweet!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    First off congrats on losing weight and also im 25 years old and don't even wear a size 14 so if your 40 and in 14's that is something to show off big time.... People who call others name are really speaking out how they feel about themselves my grandma always told me when you point at someone you have three fingers pointing back at your self and it shows your really just un-happy about yourself... These people don't have any respect for other's who are trying to make their lives better....
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wow - If one of your friends called you fat then if it was me - I might have to rethink them being my friend. You do look great in your picture and you have lost 11 pounds :flowerforyou: My friends have all been very supportive of me - even the ones that weigh much less. They are proud of my 10 pound loss. I would love to be in a 14. I am currently a size 20 - I could see someone calling me fat but a true friend would be positive and supportive of my loss. If the person that called you fat was not a friend, I might think they were jealous or threatened by your weight loss. Think about the motives of the person that called you fat - are they trying to undermine your success? I hope you realize that fat is only a word and that your friends here on MFP are proud of you :happy: Keep up the good work and keep eating healthy and exercising.
  • People are really hurtful sometimes. I am going through the same situation. I weighed 220 after giving birth to my daughter, a huge difference from my usual 140. It's been a little over two years and I have managed to lose 61 pounds, now I'm at 159. I still feel I've got about 20 more pounds to go but I try to keep a positive attitude and be glad for what I've lost so far. It sometimes feels impossible around some people who make comments like-"you're overweight for a girl your age" (I'm 22) or "most girls your age weigh 130" or "you shouldn't be eating that"...blah blah blah. I've learned that you just got to let it go in one ear and out the other. You can't let stupid comments ruin your progress and state of mind. If you have to, break ties with whoever is putting you down. Chances are they aren't worth keeping in your life anyways!
  • First off, you look fabulous. It is obvious from your photos that you've worked hard & have loss weight as a result.

    I can't believe that someone had the nerve to call you fat. Everyone I know & work with have been nothing but supportive & complimentary! My grandma taught me that if you don't have something nice to say you don't say anything at all & that's how I live. This person clearly has no manners or had an ulterior motive in saying it so you should stay away from them & surround yourself w/people who will be loving & supportive of you.
  • It seems like larger than average size people (and who makes up the averages anyway) are the last group of people that other people can still make rude comments to and get away with it. A group of teenage boys did that at the beach to my daughter and her friend and they were only 8 years old ! You have done very well ! Be proud !
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    don't let them make you feel bad. You have done a great job. I remember the day that i decided it was time to change my life. I was in the parking lot of my dr's office, and some kids had been left in their mother's car. The kids were around ten years old. They were having such fun yelling at people,and then ducking down. Well they yelled out to me, "Hey you need to go to the gym lady"! I was sooooo embarrassed!!!!:blushing: :blushing: My kids were with me, and others around heard too. I felt so sick about that comment. I was 227 then, and now I have lost 30 lbs. I have learned not to listen to those kind of ignorant comments. I just keep looking for my goal.:drinker:
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    I've just checked out your profile and you look great! I suspect these people are feeling a bit intimidated by how brilliantly you have been doing and are trying to sabotage you. They are not worth even thinking about.
  • I was the same way. I was a size 26 and now I am a size 12. A couple of months ago I was called fat and got really upset in front of a friend of mine. He was not to happy. He told me the only reason they would pick on someone they dont even know is because they are so unhappy with themselves or some part of their life that they have to make other people feel bad. He told me to be proud of where I am in my weightloss and not to let anyone take that away from me. He acually said that if someone called me that again just to say thank you and walk away with my head held high. It seems odd but it really works.

    The only people I really listen to and take it to heart is one my husband and two my family. They are the most important.

    You should be proud you have done awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God bless
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Why I outta.............:angry::mad:

    I just dont get how any one has the audacity to call you fat?!

    When I was a size 14 I WAS fat! Why, because I was so out of shape I couldnt walk to the corner and rolled out of bed in the morning moaning in pain.

    Once I lost only 2 pounds I was NOT fat any longer. WHY? because I was doing something about it, and feeling better.

    Next time someone makes that kind of comment yell " Race ya!!!" or " So, how long did YOU exercise today?"

    Size means NOTHING in my book. HEALTH is what is important.

    You look great. You are healthier. You feel fantastic.............:heart::heart:
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