starting slim in 6 on august 13th

the short version of my story is this: lost a total of 60 pounds over the course of a few years and have been on a plateau now for over 2 years. in the past year, i've regained 10 pounds and now have a grand total of about 30-35 pounds to lose to put me at a healthy weight. my boyfriend popped the question on a mountain top last weekend while we were vacationing in newfoundland and we plan to wed next summer...i want to use this happy time as motivation to get back on the healthy eating and exercise. i purchases slim in 6 nearly 2 years ago and never got around to doing it...august 13th will be my start day and i'd love to have some folks to do it with for motivation and support. :)


  • porterssf
    I just started it on Tuesday! I love it!! Congratulations on your engagment!
  • nicnak1981
    nicnak1981 Posts: 56 Member
    how was your first day?

    i started today too, and ended up doing it twice and the slim and 6 pack!!

    i had alot of free time today through so thought i might as well :)
  • liberella
    liberella Posts: 57 Member
    Hi guys! I started today, too. Trying to get back on the fitness wagon -- I've been pretty inactive with small spurts of activity since my son was born nearly two years ago.

    Friend me if you'd like to confab about it...